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Conversion Therapies

I just wanted to share this with you all. My mom subscribes for a weekly magazine I generally steal away for a couple of hours it to read about the sex Q/A. You know, the kind of one where couples send questions to a sexologist and he/she answers them. You can just call it a guilty pleasure or a pet peeve or whatever. I find it entertaining to read about the kind of problems straight couples face regarding sex This week I read something that made me think now that's rare ....okay the que

Victor Gutte

Victor Gutte

Raising Sweety And Fruity

Hey everyone ......... STORY TIME So, once upon a time............ I mean around a month ago ...... a Spotted Dove built her nest on a tree in a backyard and laid two beautiful eggs ....... around 2 weeks later the eggs hatched into two beautiful babies .......the mother started to nurture them with and and lots of ......then, the evil cat of the neighborhood appears .....his evil eye falls on the happy family .....so, he waits for the opportunity and one day...... the mother feels t

Victor Gutte

Victor Gutte

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