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Mark Arbour


A while ago, there was a bit of an uproar here because some of the ad pictures on the home page were too racy. There was concern because the ads here are supposed to be "family friendly." Then there's always the group of self-righteous prigs who finds sex in stories offensive. What a bunch of shit. This is a site for gay-themed stories. The stories are going to revolve around sexuality, and are usually going to involve sex of some sort, whether it's implied or graphic. Does a story have to have graphic sex to be good? Hell no. Is a story that has graphic sex bad/evil/etc.? Hell no. mad.gif


This kind of thought pulverizes my courteous shields, and makes me want to tell the opiners of such opinions to run off and form your own gay version of Focus on Family. mad.gif The judgmentalism, the assumed air of superiority is just as toxic nuke.gif, even more because it comes from people who should know better. I'll bet these guys who argue so prudishly for decency are the same ones down at the local bathhouse, sitting in a sling and pulling a train. jerry.gif


Then again, those people could always wander over to Awesomedude and hang out with those authors, many of whom are certain they're about to win the next Pulitzer Prize with their literary efforts.tongue.gif


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Family-friendly usually means gay-contemptuous


BTW- the Pulitzer prize is for journalists and that not what we do.

Mark Arbour


Family-friendly usually means gay-contemptuous


BTW- the Pulitzer prize is for journalists and that not what we do.


Yeah, but I don't think they get that either.biggrin.gif

  • Site Administrator


Snickers. I actually had people think that image would offend me due to the fact that I have young children. I think that we as adults are much more open to lewd suggestion than children are. It's all in what we teach them. Graphic sexual shots? Bad. 2 men in underclothes not even really touching? Please, whatever. People like to impose morality, it makes them feel more important if they feel they are "better" in some way than other people. Count me out, thanks, I like being immoral, not to mention at least some hot sex in my fiction :P

Mark Arbour


I forgot to mention the people who think breast feeding in public is bad. Christ.blink.gif



haha, nice. worshippy.gif


Kinda like the guy who said that the only people who went to Nifty were there to molest themselves.



I'm not a prude for finding the ad distasteful. Just seemed out of place. I have no problem with sex in anything. And it wasn't that the ad was placed here, it's just that the ad itself (based on what it was for) was questionable. If that had been an ad even for something not involving homosexuality, I would have thought the same thing. Everything serves a purpose and has a place. Imo.



Kinda like the guy who said that the only people who went to Nifty were there to molest themselves.


LOL. I was shocked at that post.



and yeah, some people are so ridiculous. they think that anything with overly graphic descriptions of sex is not to be considered in any way good literature.


f**king get off your high-horses people.





my sensibilities are suffering horribly :sniff: :D

Mark Arbour




my sensibilities are suffering horribly :sniff: :D


You are so full of shit.biggrin.gif

Kia Zi Shiru


lol, I'm not sure about the add, since my browswer automatically blocks everything I don't allow. Which is in place mostly for that purpose, blocking adds means they won't load, means quicker loading of my comics ^^


but I seem to have no trouble with graphic sex (unless it is written baaaadly) and neither with picture of half naked men on my screen XP

and I agree with Cia, children see two men who are scarcely dressed as they see themselves, not fully dressed :P we see them as naked men who might be going to do "something".... just f**ked up :/



Ima take a picture in my underwear and post it up. =D




Anyways, the ad seemed alright with me, a little steamy, but I like that. :P



mark your so racy you vicious bitch



I agree with Mark. No one surfing the web unattended should be younger than 13, so a certain level of violence and sexuality is acceptable. Say, PG-13 level in a movie should be PG-13 on the web. Partial male nudity, sexual situations, dirty language, a bit of blood, etc.





Mark, this reminded me of my 'Domluka Literary Society' Skit from back in 2005.


You should write something along those lines to share your feelings specool.gif

Mark Arbour


Mark, this reminded me of my 'Domluka Literary Society' Skit from back in 2005.


You should write something along those lines to share your feelings specool.gif


Hey Vic, post a link for us. Or post the skit.



If these ppl are so offended...what were they doing here in the first place? jeezus.


I dunno about condemning those ppl to communing with the Focus on the Family and James Dobson though. That's a special kind of hell, IMHO. Their version of heaven has me looking forward to the rockin' party I'm going to enjoy in hell.


I'm guessing we're looking at some internalized homophobia (re: racy gay themed ads) and sexism (re: public breastfeeding).



I am sorry I didn't get to see these "racy" images - I am presuming we are not talking about full on penetrative sex involving several people of varying sexes are we? and anything short of that can been seen any and every day in the "straight" media.....

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