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Y R U being such a doucheface right now?!?!

So I'm kinda down, The Hot Professors getting married soon. But I am happy for him.


What else can I talk about? My current daily activities include job hunting playing video games and sitting on my ass staring into space until about 6 every late night.

Insomnia is a Bitch.


Besides that I got nothing. I'm slowly dying of boredom and lack of doing shit.


and everybody keeps saying military but i worked my ass off to put myself through school so I don't have to take that option and the parents who should've helped me through school now want to push me face first in because " you can go in as an officer now and make more money."


You know how you sometimes just want to look your parents in the face and say f**k you but you don't?


No, I didn't, but i thought it. and now all i hear about is how i NEED a job and how i should have a job since I just graduated.


I feel like f**king screaming and punching something, preferably a person.


All these available jobs and its almost impossible for me to get one because I may leave at my earliest opportunity because I am over qualified( I was actually told that).




I have a severe case of writers block due to this recurring pounding headache I've had for about 2 weeks now thats keeping me focused on controlling my temper.


It's no joke and even 800 mg Motrin doesn't work


something seriously has to give right about now.


Oh, an done of my friends posted a self video of himself on facebook from his phone and didn't know.


But the funny part is he posted a video of himself masturbating and didn't believe it when I told him so he let it sit

for another hour until one of his aunts sent him a message telling him about the video.


He took it down but It was still hilarious and very, Very educational :funny::lmao: :lmao:

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Ahahaha your friend is hilarious. I'd be afraid of someone saving it!


I'm sure the job situation will sort itself out. You just got to keep going to interviews and putting yourself out there. Crap like that always works itself out.



I think your friend is going about things the wrong way. If he's going to have videos of himself doing that on the internet, he may as well get them professionally filmed, with great lighting, and get paid for it... Amateur.


The job market is ROUGH right now. Companies have their choice of hundreds of applicants and they can pick who they want and then underpay them extremely. It's awful and frustrating. If you're getting interviews and have the chance to get face to face with a potential employer, I suggest you take the chance and tell them that you WANT to work, that you being overqualified just means that you are an asset to their company and that if there is room to grow with them, that they won't need to worry that you'll leave.


Sorry about your parents... they're probably just speaking out of fear and expectation. Do what's right for you and if that's not the military, for goodness sake, don't enlist!


A headache for 2 weeks straight isn't normal. Are you sick? Need glasses? Do you have a tumor? (That's funnier if you say it in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice.) Feel better, okay?





PS. Glad to see you back and writing!

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Linxe Termoil


Eh. Take my advice, say no to the military, period. On another note, if you're wanting a job not just because you need money and for something else to do, try fast food. Is it what you want to do? Probably not. But at least it's something to do. Don't mention that you have a college degree when asked on the job application. By the way, what do you have a degree in and is there any chance you'd be able to start up your own business?






LOL Doucheface...


Hard to believe that a degree would be an impediment. I second the business idea, this is probably as good a time as any to start up something your interested in. Plus if you can market your ideas well to the right people, you have a pretty good chance to get capital, it can definitely be worth the risk of failure. Good luck!



@Menorain- I sure hope so. I'm starting to get more interviews so We'll see how this works out. Thanks :D


@ Linxe Termoil- I've been saying no to the military for over 7 years now. My Degree will be in Game and simulation Programming after I retake my last class but it takes so much to get a client base and contracts with no company experience.


@Caedus- Out of all the graduates so far in the program I think only about 8 have jobs in the field. The Business idea is a good one, and I actually have been talking to friends about starting one. Thanks.


@ Viv- I thought the video was hilarious. even more so when it sat on facebook for over 3 and a half hours and people finally started commenting on it. He's still calling me an asshole for laughing about it. I have started to get interviews, and actually have one in a few hours for hhgregg. even though it's not in my field, a jobs a job and that's what i need right now. I do feel better actually, my headache was from lack of sleep and a need to express myself verbally that I was trying to seriously ignore. I feel ALOT better now 0:) and thanks very much. I'm still trying to figure out which direction to take my stories and restructuring but I should have the new one up soon.

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