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I got a new cooker today because the last one literally fell apart. I've been holding the over door closed with a paint tin for some time and last week the whole thing died. So I have a new one.


The delivery company have very few requirements. Just take out the old cooker and put it in the middle of the floor and they will take it away and put the new one in it's place... rather like the tooth fairy, not that they looked anything like fairies... except maybe fairy boot.


Anway... there we were last night. Three women, all with degrees, all reasonably intelligent and pondered how the hell we were going to disconnect the cooker. I thought I was being clever when I took the socket off the wall... until I looked at the back of it and it was NOT like a normal plug. So there we were with no cooker at all and no idea what to do with the one we have. We had pizza.


Today I called my friend and asked if he could recommend an electrician. He came round himself and within thirty seconds had unscrewed the wires, not from the wall but from the three screws that were attaching them to the back of the cooker under the easy to remove plate. Meh


Nice new cooker though.


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That's so funny, lol. I can just see everyone huddled around it asking " Why won't it make us food?"

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Nephy!! You are incorrigible!!!


I laughed at this from the start!


Three women (and shouldn't that be "wemen"? one is 'wo' and two or more are "wemen". :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: (please tell me that I did NOT cast a 'pearl' there!!


I hope I didn't lose you to the politically correct squad. I'm just picturing three of the female persuasion standing in a kitchen whilst a gentleman schooled in his profession takes care of the situation.


Too precious!


(and my hopes for the little guy are 'heartfelt'! Hugs!

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OMG, snickers. Yeah, I'm known as the huh, what? type when it comes to that sort of thing. Though for me my solution isn't to call someone, though I have a hubby, it's to look it up online. *worships internet* You can find just about how to do anything on ehow!!

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Ahahaha your life makes me laugh. BUT TECHNOLOGY CAN BE TRICKY. That we're using the internet is a feat in and of itself tbh haha

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Congratz!! ~ (I think.. :P ) and hey it happens to everyone, just the other day I learned how to properly use a phone book xD "OHHH, so it's like a book, but with phone numbers in it... Well how convenient is that?" *Friend Face Palms Himself*

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Yay! You can cook me food again. =D


Hun I'd cook for you even if I didn't have a cooker. There must be SOMEWHERE I could light a fire :)

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Congratz!! ~ (I think.. :P ) and hey it happens to everyone, just the other day I learned how to properly use a phone book xD "OHHH, so it's like a book, but with phone numbers in it... Well how convenient is that?" *Friend Face Palms Himself*


OMG Really? Where can I get one ??

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