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10 New Years Resolutions....

OK. So, I'm writing yet another blog entry. Mainly becuase my Paya is working and in an effort to support him I'm trying to be less demanding of his time. It's true - i'm an attention whore. So I'm being a good boy and distracting myself while my man does what he needs to do. :wub:


'tis the season then..... NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS....



  1. This is the year I get fit and healthy. Not just for me, but for Paya too. Just before Christmas, the doctors managed to get to the bottom of some medical problems I've been having. This should help A LOT :D
  2. This year I will finish a whole story. I have an idea. i know the story from beginning to end. Now I just need to get it to paper.
  3. This year, I will learn to control money better. I dont need that iPad, or a new laptop, or an upgraded iPhone.
  4. This year I will read one book per week. I used to do this regularly - but since meeting my man :wub: i have slipped a little.
  5. This year I will make a study of Czech and eastern European history.
  6. This year I will learn Czech to the point where, at our Christmas Dinner NEXT YEAR, I will be able to hold a full conversation
  7. This year I will reprioritise my life. Paya and I come first in all things. No more putting others before our own happiness.
  8. I will worry less about work
  9. I will learn how to make potato dumplings as well as my mother in law
  10. I will tidy my room ... HONEST


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More power to you, West.


I don't do New Year's resolutions. There's always something better to do and I just don't know it yet. :P



Wow, how come I missed this blog entry?? :blink:


Anyway, very glad to hear that there's hope regarding the medical issues. It will sure feel better to be out and about more. And tidying your room obviously will keep you healthy.


You can also combine other resolutions: focusing your attention on potatoes rather than on on iPad will help your wallet. On the other hand, I've never tried sending an e-mail with a potatoe, but then again, I'm not in IT.


I hope that by the end of 2011 you can look back proudly and tell us that you've finished writing an entire story and read a whole Czech book, rather than finished writing a whole cheque book and started reading a story. :lmao:



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