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ADELE is pretty damn awesome



If you have not heard this singer, I reccomend you look her up. Her songs remind me a bit of Disco, especially in "

," and I mean that as a compliment. There's songs that will make me want to dance. This song just makes me dance, in the way that I first learned, where I didn't give a flying f**k who was watching or who laughed, it was me and the music and the fire and shadows of everyone else.


Since I've a tendency to recount dreams here, I'll do so again. I was being questioned, demanded answers of in my own home. They wanted to know who it was I'd brought home Friday night. As I work Friday nights, and am worringly private about my personal space, the answer was no one. This was not an acceptabe response. I don't know if they thought I was harboring a criminal, or was a criminal, or what, but it didn't matter. I finally realized they onyl wanted an excuse to dragme away, and that gave them one. Salt in the wound, I'd been getting out of the shower when they came to my door, and they picked my lock before I could open the door for them. They barely let me put pants on before they took me away. And I don't think the main agent wanted to give me that opportunity, but the local police were a bit agitated, and his partner intereceded, giving her permission when I asked. I don't think she was a hero though. I think she was setting me up in her own way.


Recommended Comments

You should check out this remix by Jamie XX, the pace and tone make it sound as good as (or even better than) the original:

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