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September 11, 2011



You can't escape the date or what memories it brings up. I was teaching when the towers fell. The principal stopped by my room and called me for a moment out into the hallway for quick comment. Her comment, "There is something happening in New York City. They think we might have been attacked. Remain calm and don't let the student's know." The joys of working in a private school. Your mind is now subdivided between an attack in the city and your students in front of you. By the time the second tower fell I had my break and slipped down to the principal's office where a group of us crowded around her television watching the recaps of the towers falling, the plane in Pennsylvania crashing, and the last one to be heard by me was about the pentagon. America was no longer safe from the craziness that existed "over there."


I had a friend who was hurt that day, another who lost her brother, and my cousin's wife had just graduated from the police academy and that was her first assignment. It marks and changes how you look and react to things when it comes to affect you.


So for this ten year anniversary I sat and watched some of the dedication ceremony from New York City. I couldn't bring myself to watch it all. Now I am trying to grab a nap. Tonight, I get to work inventory in my store till sometime in the early hours of tomorrow morning.


While this disaster is remembered ten years later the country is dealing with others now. Natural disasters are leaving people hurt, homeless, and wondering what the world will deliver to their doorstep tomorrow.


My prayers go out to all of them. Whether they lost someone in 9/11, from fires in Texas, or floods left by Tropical Storm Lee know there are people who remember, pray, and still offer help.

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We live in troubled times, but it is through mankind's darkest hours that we find ourselves and our humanity.


Everyone who went back inside those buildings will always be remembered as heroes.


As Abraham Lincoln had said in the Gettysburg Address:


"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."



We live in troubled times, but it is through mankind's darkest hours that we find ourselves and our humanity.


Everyone who went back inside those buildings will always be remembered as heroes.


As Abraham Lincoln had said in the Gettysburg Address:


"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."



Sometimes it is the simple good we do that will leave the biggest imprint. I'm just grateful I am able to help remember and offer what I can to help.

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