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Small Blessings



Every once in a while things come along that excite you or make your life better. Sometimes it something major - a new car, a new outfit, or a new lover. Sometimes it something small - a card, money found in the pocket of a jacket, a phone call that makes you smile.


Lately I have been blessed. I am not sure how else to put it. Things in life rarely go as one would hope. There are obstacles that pop up, things you need to overcome, and more often than not - your own stupidity to correct. I know I sure as hell never claim to be perfect but I try to find an upside to most things.


That brings me to what I call my small blessings. I call them my blessings but most people would call the friends. I have a number in my real life that attempt to keep me on an even keel. They are there when i need to talk, try to cheer me up when I'm glum, and know I will gladly return the favor however I can. In plain English, they don't expect more from me than what I can give and that goes both ways.


That also brings me to site. When it comes to the big man in charge, Myr, all I can say is thanks. I might have done no more than seen him in the chat room for a few minutes but his creation of this site has opened a few doors for me. I've taken more than one or two people from the site and turned them into friends. They aren't just an editor, an author, or someone who is here to support others. I have turned to these people originally for help in writing and that has lead to them becoming friends. I kid with them, write to them, write with them, talk to them over skype or msn, and basically turned them from anonymous, to acquaintance, to friend. I don't know if everyone has taken the opportunities presented to them but I know I did. For their help and friendship I am truly blessed.

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  • Site Administrator


I feel the same way about many of the members I have met here on GA. Some I've turned to when I felt like I could talk to no one else and they listened. That's invaluable in life. So, right here with you in appreciating GA and all it has done for my life as well.

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