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Missing Stuff



I never claimed to be on top of everything. However, this year I swore I wouldn't be behind the eight ball when it came to Christmas. I bought things all year long. In fact, i even bought a few things that I could use, just in case.


So now we skip ahead to today. i did my Weight Watchers meeting (I gained a pound but I consider that good considering what is happening in my life at the moment), went to get my license and found I still didn't bring enough stuff with me to prove who I am and how old I am, did some quick food shopping so I could do my holiday baking, came home, and sort of collapsed. I guess all the long hours and lack of sleep caught up. Still not over my cold.


Deciding the hell with everything I made up a batch of chicken soup from scratch, ate, and went back to bed. I still am 2/3 of the way through the last chapter of Accidents. I still haven't wrapped up all the gifts I have for friends and family. I found I am missing at least a bag of stuff I did buy and have no idea where I put it.


I've miss placed the address of a few friends. Thankfully I never seem to get rid of email or text messages so hopefully I still have them there.


Would it be too much to ask for it to be 2012? 2011 has been kicking my tush all year.


Anyway, sounds like the wash machine is done and can I finally put my clothes in the dryer. After all I only have to be to work in less than 8 hours. I love my life. Have a good one all.


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