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Friendships of Value

This is a funny old world in terms of friendships, relationships and how we interact with people. I have found over time that my outlook on life, and how I value my friendships has changed so remarkably in the last few years, maybe as a result of doing a bit of growing up myself.


Traditionally I have always been terrified that allowing myself to 'grow up' or become more mature would make me boring. I guess in my limited view on the world, once you got to thirty or something, you automatically became old fashioned, boring or too sophisticated to have fun.


Well I'm thirty nine now, so been in my thirties for quite a while, and I've come to realise that being thirty does not make me any less weird or crazy than I really ever was. The biggest change is that my body can't keep up with what my mind wants to do, and as a result I am frequently at an internal battle to get more out of myself.


Another thing that I have come to realise is that once you get over that hurdle of accepting that age is not the be all and end all of life, you actually begin to realise that older people are indeed a lot more fun than I'd ever given them credit for. Yes they have so much more life experience and are more willing to er on the side of caution, but this is not because of boredom it is more to do with them wanting to help us avoid pain or hurt in the long run, or simply avoid it for themselves.


We don't give the older generation the consideration or credit they deserve sometimes, and I have been massively guilty of this in my time. It is sad to think that it has taken all this time for me to realise this. I have written a couple of times on my blog about age and how the golden glow of youth is so treasured and sort after, and I think that much of the world chases after that image of perfection and eternal youth. I know that personally I never really wanted to grow up. Foolishly, I always wanted to consider myself young at heart, and I figured that this meant being young in life, but sadly I have grown up, and aged and gotten older and wiser. I now realise that I can remain young at heart without having to associate with the young, and still be able to enjoy myself without the fixation on youth.


As a matter of fact, I am beginning to learn that without the fickleness of the young, relationships, friendships and communication is a whole lot simpler, more sustainable, and has a loyalty and stability that I am wholly unaccustomed too. Friendships up to date have existed around a bristle of selfishness, uncertainty and an egotistical climb to the top of the ladder. Don't get me wrong, friendship is friendship, and I have wonderful memories, and some amazing mates, but I do believe that while most friendships have a certain degree of selflessness, and an awful lot of selfishness, there comes a time in your life when this balance swings in the opposite direction, and you begin to realise just how important and precious friendship really is.


We all use these words; "I love my friends, I couldn't live without them!" Yup, even I have been one to say something similar. "You can never have enough friends!" The cliché statements about friendship are endless, and while there is some truth in the words, the majority of it is a hollow expression of what we want the world to believe we mean, but fail to act out. As I reflect on friendships I've had in the past, I can't help but face the fact that I've been guilty of failing to be a true friend. I've always had a selfish streak, expecting people to stay in touch with me, always chasing the next big fix, forgetting about the people that maybe need a quiet word, or a simple hello. The worst thing is realising that there were people who were that kind of friend to me, and have fallen by the wayside as I surged onwards on my selfish quest for self fulfilment or something I never really found.


Oh how the benefit of hindsight is a curse. Hindsight is a wonderful teacher, and if we heed the lesson, and we can change. Yes I have waisted some cherished friendships. People who have moved on, yet at one time or another were right there at my side, and while I may never get that back again, I can learn to shift the balance towards being a true friend myself. As you grow up in life, you begin to understand that the world does not revolve around you. There are those that are delusional enough to believe this still, and for them I feel sorry, but for the vast majority of us, at some stage in our lives, we wake up to the fact that we need to give more than we receive to survive. This is the balance of true friendship.


For some, they will learn this lesson very quickly. Others, like myself, will take a while to get it. Whatever the time line, we all come to the realisation one day that we are not islands in the world. I see those that think they can survive on their own terms, and revel in their selfishness, and while I do not despise them, I only see myself in them, and realise that at some stage in the future, they will come to the hard realisation that their point of view, selfishness, and deluded understanding of true friendship is skewed.


So while in my past I have been foolish, I have come to learn that friendship can be very satisfying with people from every walk in life. I have met and continue to meet amazing people on GA. This place has been a real special place to me in so many ways. Not only does it mean I get to test my ability as a writer, but through friendships and associations here on GA, I am learning so much about life, myself, and the world around me. The people I am lucky enough to consider my friends here are teaching me that sharing is a wonderful thing, that life has many facets, and that learning to accept who I am and what I am to the people that see me, is all part of being alive. There is true value in a strong relationship, and not every friendship is based on some form of attraction. There are many assets in the people around us, and each has their own special gem, a quality that makes them stand out from the crowd. It is taking time to see beyond what I need from a relationship that has allowed me to realise that I have so much to give. I can be a good friend, I can share, I can make a difference with a simple hello, or a kind word spoken on a bad day. To those that have taken the time to befriend me and show, teach and encourage me, thank you. You will never truly know the full impact you have had on my life, and continue to have every day. GA for me, as for so many others is so much more than just a place to read stories.


Thought for today - "Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it is broken, but you will always see the crack in its reflection." - Lady Gaga


Song for today - Here In Your Arms by Hellogoodbye

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Again the wise words, :hug: But your music still sucks :P

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Have been out of "likes", for a while today. So, I can only say, I love your blogs, as I have said many times before. Inspiration is a gift, and you definitely inspire me Rob. Hugs

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Hindsight is always 20/20, you know, so don't get too hung up with it. It is Autumn after all (at least in northern hemisphere), the season of change.


It's okay to feel what you are feeling and you might feel selfish with it. You know, everyone is self-centered in some way. Some you feel is selfish, but others don't and vice versa and everyone has their own growth pattern. I mean while I figured out some of the stuff you mentioned in this post some times ago (I was an introspective wallflower, then become the pollenizing social butterfly, and then wallflower again), there are other areas you're more mature than me. It's just the way it is. If we see our friends based on only a handful of "dots" that we focus more on, then they might indeed appear to be selfish, egotistical in ways that we would not (or perhaps should not) see. The more dots we get to learn from each other, the more complete (and accurate) picture we'll end up seeing. So explore. Some people you dismissed on the first round, may end up being the best of friends.


Your music can't be played in the U.S.... Anyways. I found this song.


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Appreciates this blog-post of yours, Rob...loaded with some real 'pitkos' [food for thought] allowing a lot to reflect upon. Glad I've decided to investigate your blog and pleasantly surprised :)

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