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Featured Story: Vegas Sun



Everyone have good plans to ring out the old and ring in the new? I had a LOT of great times in 2012, and some not so great moments, but ending the year in a great mood after spending some real quality time with friends.


Speaking of friends, it was also really nice to read this review by Comicfan of Vegas Sun, an anthology story that Hosted Author (and total studmuffin) Shadowgod wrote. I hope you enjoy the review and the story!









Review by Comicfan
Status: Complete
Length: 9801


Every once and awhile I like to see what else is out there. I enjoy reading something by an author I don’t know so I will read a lot of new authors to the site. Occasionally I like to look at those who are the crème de le crème, or more commonly known as our Hosted Authors.


Shadowgod as an author was unknown to me. Yes, I might be known by some on here but do you know how many authors there are on here? So like anyone else I occasionally take the leap of faith and try someone new. In this case I tried Vegas Sun, his entry for the anthology in 2007, Endings and Beginnings.


Welcome to Vegas, the place with the nickname of Sin City. Neon lights, casinos, and all sorts of rotten people seem to fill this place as the story unfolds. Enter the youth known as Cody. Cody is a runaway, or a throw away, as we find out once the story gets going. As such he needs to make money and does it by entering into the world’s oldest profession. To say Cody is successful would be a great exaggeration. The poor boy can’t seem to walk across a room without trouble finding him. And it is after one such encounter that Cody, left beaten and black and blue, meets a cop with a heart of gold.


What happens when Cody is beaten up and ends up in the hospital? Will his pride prevent him from taking a new chance offered him? What about the cop who seems so interested in him? Will the Vegas sun burn away his pride or will the night see him back on the corner? There is only one way to find out how this story ends, READ IT! When you do be sure to leave a review as well.

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