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Boston Bombers are NOT Czech



I know that not ALL Americans are stupid and ignorant, but there are still plenty enough to generate news like what is shown in the picture I linked. During the last hours since it was revealed that the bombers had links to CHECHNYA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechnya), many Americans tweeted their surprise about the bombers coming from the CZECH Republic. Even if they used the official shortened name (which is CZECHIA), the pronunciation is still different! It's as if I said all Americans were socialists and communists because Venezuelans are - and they are Southern Americans. Same name, right? ;)




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To be fair, we're not taught in school at all about modern eastern European countries, so it's understandable that some people would be confused. If you wanna get mad at anyone, get mad at our crappy public schools.



Pavel, the picture you linked is a collection from the Czech Republic intended to show American ignorance.  It could show more about Czech gullibility if your countrymen find it believable.   It is not news.  It is a collection of tweets by people who are not journalists and are not listening very closely to the news.  There is a reason these people are known as twits.


The Chechen Republic or Chechnya very clearly is not the same place as the Czech Republic.  I have traveled to the Czech Republic and know the difference.


I also know that there are no kangaroos in Austria.  :P


The curriculum in US schools reflects centuries of isolationism and intentional lack of involvement in European politics and wars.

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Pavel, the picture you linked is a collection from the Czech Republic intended to show American ignorance.  It could show more about Czech gullibility if your countrymen find it believable.   


Its a collection of tweets from Americans who obviously have no idea about basic geography.  Its not about gullibility.  It's fact.  There are a group of citizens who are incredibly dense spreading ignorance.



Its a collection of tweets from Americans who obviously have no idea about basic geography.  Its not about gullibility.  It's fact.  There are a group of citizens who are incredibly dense spreading ignorance.


OK.  There are five twits in America.



Who gives a shit what race they are or what country they're from?



Who gives a shit what race they are or what country they're from?


Of course we should care in order to determine the causation of their actions.



I knew the difference.


It does make a difference where they are from. If it had been white supremacists from Louisiana, you KNOW it would have made a difference.

Mark Arbour


I think it's a reasonable concern that Americans could mix the two up.  The average US citizen is horrible at geography. 


Then again, they could just point out that they're from Massachusetts.  That would be more accurate (especially in the case of the younger one).  The sad thing is most people here probably wouldn't know where that was either.



Well my primary concern was to ensure nobody on this site gets similarly confused.


Secondly, as the Czech Republic is a member of the NATO and a close American ally in Europe (much closer than let's say the French or the Germans ;) ) I was surprised that even that fact would not mean enough for the ordinary Americans not to confuse their friends and foes.



Don't judge American geographical knowledge on the basis of five tweets.  They are not typical people and tweets are frequently uninformed social commentary.  They are often repeated (retweeted as all five of these were).

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Just revisiting this.... Since commentators on CNN made the exact same mistake, I'm afraid I AM going to judge the American education system based on this.

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CNN commentators are all twits, too.

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