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The Shutdown and Me



I've seen enough to make up my mind about this shit.


Alright, most of the people around GA have only mentioned news stories or circumstantial issues with the government shutdown, let me give you all a real life experience, but first let me lay down three points:


1. I have never been a fan of the Tea Party. The members of the GA Soapbox and GA Right Forum can attest to this fact.


2. I am actually applauding President Obama's no negotiation stance. He is showing courage and leadership. If I were in his shoes, I'd never negotiate under duress. The United States has a formal policy, "We Don't Negotiate with Terrorists". You cannot demand concessions by threats against the United States or its peoples; I consider this an act of terror (Democrats won't say it to that extent, but I will call this act terrorism as a conscious non-PC Republican)


3. I also weep for Representative Peter King and other Northern Republicans, who cannot seem to get our house in order, so to speak. He has a direct way of speaking the truth that is refreshing and even if I do not agree with all his stances; he is true to his words, so I can commend that.


Now on to the the situation:


Yesterday, I found out that my paternal grandmother, an 85 year old with decent mobility, was going to be evicted by her senior housing administrator due to late filing of income verification. It was a mistake not to check with her housing office and depend on her to give us documentation to fill out. She has been going more and more senile for the last few years, but she appeared to have a handle over her own affairs and my family tried not to take over too much of her life.


Since, my grandmother cannot seem to remember her English (She was a British Citizen of Burma back when it was still a colony and was educated. A lot of well-off Ethnic Chinese people migrated to British territories for business during the 1900's), I act as her proxy for government documents and other issues.


Well, first, I tried to present the senior housing administrator with bank statements, but the asshole said that those cannot be used to substantiate income.


He told me that I must go to the SSA , Social Security Administration, and get a formal letter from them showing her income. I told the man that I was not sure if the Social Security Administration would be open or not, plus did not know if the Shutdown would limit their services for income verification. He told me as a matter of fact, "You must provide me with a "government issued" income verification form".


I called the SSA and they said that they could not provide me with an income verification document as they are currently unable to process those types of documents. I told them our situation and they said, my grandmother must go in person to the main office in Boston, but warned that they have limited hours due to the shutdown. I knew I couldn't go with her, so I ask if they had Chinese translators or any other administrative personnel, who could help her once the transportation drops her off. They told me the translators were furloughed and did not know the current situation with staffing there.


This is fucked up, my elderly grandmother may lose her apartment, because some guys in Washington are trying to "raise a voice for the people". Breaking down the system is supposed to be Patriotic. I will answer that with "F" "U"1


Fucking BS, who are "the people" anyway that you represent, the American who has nothing better to do than go to rallies and tell you guys to breakdown government with NO PLAN TO END IT. That's not Conservatism, it's reactionary and it's populism or Mob rule.


I've got my own job and my own responsibilities to hundreds of employees across the country. I have to answer to a lot of major clients with huge stakes. I don't like Obamacare either, but I know why I hate it, because I actually live with it, what the Fuck has the "Average American" needed to do? Buy Insurance! Oh Shit, let's start a whole Revolution!


I had to go through three IT Audits, HIPAA evaluations, and URAC credentialing to keep our medical firm operational and profitable. Compared to that, the "Average American" has it easy. I might hate it, but I can live with the crap and so can my industry. The "Average American" is up in arms, threatening grassroot campaigns and primary challenges.


Maybe I am not the "Average American", but I am what represents the largest part of America. I don't need this type of BS in my life and I should not need to worry about my own grandmother losing her home.


If anyone find my blog offensive to your political beliefs, I can only say "Get a F*cking Life!"

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I think the problem is systemic. Politicians are by nature combative, but your system seems designed to end in this kind of deadlock - not intentionally, but because it has no effective mechanisms to unwind the polarised conflicts that build up. As things stand it is making your country look ridiculous in the eyes of the world. You are not going to change human nature so the only solution is significant change to your constitutional arrangements. But I don't see that happening any time soon. Meanwhile I'm sorry about your grandmother, and the hundreds of thousands of others being seriously hurt by the turmoil - your politicians have let them all down big time.



Zombie is right in that the problem is systemic. It is not going away any time soon either. But I am curious as to why people express such an aversion to Obamacare. It is loosely based on the healthcare system in Massachusetts where you, your grandmother (it appears) and I reside. I am absolutely grateful for the system here, without it my insurance and healthcare cost would be unaffordable. I don't have healthcare through a job or through my partner because he works overseas. So, what is your dislike for Obamacare based upon, W_L? Truly I am sorry to hear about your grandmother's travails and hope she/you are able to work that out.



Excited, much?


Actually, I welcome the passion and sincerity, after watching the pageantry of lunatics thumping their chests, and taking the ball away because somebody didn't let them win.


Note to Congress:


Wanna repeal ACA? You're the legislative branch of government, ffs. Do it, or move on. Can't get the votes to do it? Try again later, after elections. In  the meantime, put down the latest edition of Guns & Ammo, take your thumbs out of your butts, and conduct the business for which your office was created.

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The government shut down? :P



The government shut down? :P

*pulls the rock back over Yang*

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The government shut down? :P




Hope you don't have eighty-something grandparents


@Ron: hope my explanations help



I am so sick of these political games.


The greatest mistake our poltical system  have ever made was the switch to picking our canidates throught the insane primary system rather than by party leaders.  Since most normal Amricans don't take part in it let alone know the date the primary takes place we have the crazies of the crazies picking the most virulent, its my way or the highway a-hole. 

I hate to say it but I wish we could go back to the days when our leaders were pick in the back room.  Back then the parties picked the one who they thought would get the most votes from the American people regardless of party. (Remember Eisenhower)   These days we're stuck with the Ted Cruz's* of the world because Tea Partiers care more about their leaders never compromising their stupid princples that  only  the few people who vote in the primaries care about than having Congress actually do their job instead of making themselves look pretty so they can be on TV.


*I don't think there is any other place in the world but America that a major party would choose someone as insane and vicious as that Senator from Texas as their canidate.  I don't think there is any other state where a guy like Cruz could get elected other than Texas. (No democrate has won a state wide election since 93 becasue a lot of voters don't care who gets picked in the primary theyll vote for them so long as they're of the same party.  (That's the only reason why my old home state has been under the reign of King Perry for over a decade.)


The primary system and poltical party gerrymandering has gotten so bad that it makes voting for members of Congress in the general election a complete farce. The whole things rigged so that there is no chance in hell for the other canidate to win.  (I had to do reasearch on polling data and voting statistics which has advanced to the point that the data will tell you how many republican or democrates live on your block)


At this point I would rather have a complete free-for-all on election day followed by a runoff than this primary bs..


Sorry for the rant and your grandmother.  Hopefully the agency will be understanding and give you more time given the situtation.  Of course it will depend on the sort of case worker who has your grandmother's file.  Some are willing to be flexable others are the sadistic sort when it comes to doing things by the book, but that's bureaucracy for you.



The first thing they should do is make it a law they won't get payed themselves as long as the shutdown is holding. Do they have no shame? Sending all those people home without pay while their salaries are being payed. They should be the first to close down, since they don't seem to be doing their jobs. Do they even knwo what they are doing?




Is he really that stupid or just an attention whore?


I know I have no reason to talk, living in the country that holds the record for time needed to form a government after elections. But even in those days, everything kept working, another day at the office. Our congress even voted for a budget and held off the international crisis of a few years ago.


I'm sorry for you and your mother for having a run in with the only agency that isn't closed down. I hope it all works out in  the end.

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