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Expanding canvas for my Story Causality

Egyptian mythology and Japanese history are usually distinct, but I am breaking old formulas by combining into my master plan and story canvas.


Egyptian Civilization is as ancient as Chinese and Indian civilizations, plus we know from real history that they had dealings through trade over thousands of years.


As for Japanese history, western historians never really pick up on the fact that Japan is an island nation at the edge of Asia, so how do you imagine it hosting a strong Buddhist influence with such distance? While Buddhism is doctrinally non-violent; its adherents in Asia are not bound by the same rules that "Western New Age" prophets like to re-imagine Buddhism.


The history I referred to is part truth and another part probable, like any major infusion of new religious ideas in another nation, Japan had a period of civil war between the old conservative shinto factions and the newer Buddhist groups. As for Chinese playing internal politics, it is not beyond reason or possibility that a few Imperial officials or even an Emperor would have done this (in my story, it was with the aid of highly advanced secret society). The spread of Buddhism into Korea and Japan was hastened by Chinese missionaries.


While most writers play it safe by writing one group, one hero, one storyline within a plot; I think it leaves readers with an incomplete picture, an incomplete world.


Additionally, I am adding in the concept of Life Energy Trading, or in essence, in my world there is a secret system of deals being made for the life force of human beings. It is the basis of more advanced technology, a type of nutrition for ghosts, and allows "vampires" to live longer than the normal human lifespan at a cost.


To that last point, yes, I have introduced vampires, but my vampires are less fantasy/Twillight based beings, instead they are scientific tragic monsters.


I will make it clear now, if it was not clear before in my story, Vampires in my universe are an allusion to the drug trade of the modern world and how interconnected it is to all of our lives in small ways and big. They're need to feed and sustaining themselves is like a need of a crack addict for another hit to remain stable.


Story-wise, I know my pacing is really slow, sorry about that, my grandmother's fall has thrown me back by a few months. I will endeavor to be faster on finishing the first case of my story.


Tell me what you think or if you have questions:

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