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My Beliefs On God And Religion

Recently, I was given a questionnaire by a student instructed to interview a homosexual. One of the questions was whether I was religious. I put down that I did not belong to a religion.


Do I believe in God? I have trouble with the semantics. I think we need to determine what is meant by the word before we go any farther. God means different things to different people, just as Lucifer does. Every divinity seems to fluctuate in popularity and reputation just like a soft drink brand. A lot depends on marketing. A similar question might be, "Do I like to drink beverages?" Well, that depends on the beverage, doesn't it? I refuse to drink moonshine, say, or anything unpleasant.


I don't find an intellectual home in any of the major world religions, although Unitarianism seems the most plausible, if only because of its ambiguity. A lot of the things that have been written and said about God seem amusing. Seems like wishful thinking on the part of humans. Delusion, paranoia, attempts to control other people.


I like the idea of things or beings that we do not know. I am not sure who they are or whether it is possible to contact them for any form of communication. If they cannot be contacted, then they are irrelevant, like the gold that exists somewhere in the Earth's core that we just cannot reach no matter what. I feel the most spiritual and believing when under the influence of marijuana. I feel a oneness and connection to the whole creation then. Otherwise I feel grounded to the material world. My God is a reflection of my own experience and is positive, reaffirming and helpful. I like to think of God as a female entity, fertile and creative and full of ideas and wisdom.

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