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Of Weddings And Broken Hearts



Decided to go for a certain wedding, dressed in red. I figure supporting is better than sulking at home like a little child.
This is the point where I discover that I'm a tad masochistic. I had lunch with one of my friends the other day, and we got to talking about how it gets harder to make friends as we grow older. I'm thirty-one right now, and it seems the same circle of four friends I have is the same one I've had forever. In fact, the circle dwindles at times, there are times when I'm closer to one friend more than the others, other times we're all stuck together, but it never goes beyond these four.


So when one of them has suddenly become a source of stress, (see previous post on unrequited love) I feel like I'm losing a vital part of my life. Hence the decision to go to the wedding I wish wasn't happening. I'll smile and laugh and dance...like a fool.
What does that mean exactly?
My friend says I might get lucky....find my soulmate at the wedding party later. I guess I gotta cast the net wide again. ^_^


Cheers, to all y'all.
Writing takes a break this weekend as I sort through this mess.



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  • Site Administrator


I think as we age, we realize that quality of friends matters more than quantity.  I admire your courage for going to the wedding, even though you're not feeling it in your heart.  You're rocking that dress, by the way.  Maybe you will meet someone there who will make you forget all about him.  :)

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You really have courage Sui to go to that wedding and I am sure someday you will find soulmate because I'm living my life on the same theory. You four friends are lucky to have each other and stick together no matter what. Have fun at the wedding and who knows you meet someone special out there. By the way the red dress is gorgeous and I am sure you would have been looking equally gorgeous in that dress. Take care, Sui:)

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