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Book Review - His Grandfather's Watch By N.r. Walker

Caz Pedroso


This is my first book review, so please feel free to suggest improvements.


I looked at a few friends blogs and found there seemed to be a fairly excepted standard layout and so I have tried to stick to that as much as possible.


Book Details




Title: His Grandfather's Watch
Author: N.R. Walker
Publisher: BlueHeart Press
Length: 86 print pages


It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch.
"It was my Grandfather's. I was hoping you could tell me something about it."
A love story of two couples, generations apart.


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About the author


N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn't have it any other way. She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don't let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words. She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things...but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal. She's been writing ever since...


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or E-mail her at nrwalker2103@gmail.com


My Review


Hmmm, what can I tell you about this wonderful story without giving too much away????


Well, I can start by saying the writing is great. It flows well, and glides from one scene to another almost seamlessly.


The characters are believable and endearing. You get pulled straight into their lives and the story they are trying to uncover.


One slight spoiler for you – There’s an extra bit to the story at the end…make sure you don’t miss it.


My favorite part was:

His words became a little slurred and eventually his breathing evened out. He fell asleep in my arms, and for the first time in what I'd imagined felt like forever, he slept like a baby.

I think this part really shows how close Alex and Cal have become and how Alex is just what Cal needs. But of course to find out where this part is, you’ll have to read the book…


**Remember this book is FREE**


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