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Everything you didn't want to know about me!

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List of requested bonus scenes/chapters

This is an ongoing list of extra/bonus scenes/chapters that readers have requested for me to write.  I will add to it every time i receive a request and i will use the strikeout to cross them off as i write and post them.    Here Kitty Kitty: Kitryn and Simon - Building their house Here Kitty Kitty: Fran - Training with her mum and growing up  Here Kitty Kitty: Tristan and Carl arriving at Carl's coven Unison Island: All characters

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Giveaway! Paperback Of Help! My Lover's An Alien

*Posted With Permission*   Happy New Year Everyone   In the later part of 2016 I decided to self-publish my story Help! My Lover’s an Alien. I did a few corrections, and fixed a couple of consistency errors. Then, I added it to Amazon Paperback and Kindle (including KU) and as they wouldn’t let me post it for free I am giving all the money I receive from sales to a charity called Stonewall that supports LGBTQ youths in the UK and abroad. The current total is over £20 raised.   Pl

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Reviews Of Special Anthology Stories

*Please note all my reviews have been cross posted to the relevant stories as well*   Bill's Christmas Gift - comicfan   This made me smile and cry at the same time.   It was in part a wonderful story of how Bill finds he has more friends and family than he thought he had.   The other part that made it sad for me was not only was the love of his life dead, but Jonny didn't get the chance to meet his nephew and the other members of his family that still cared.   A wonderfully written pi

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

***out Now*** Love Is Love Poetry Anthology: In Aid Of Orlando's Pulse Victims And Survivors

Blurb   LOVE IS LOVE Poetry Anthology A collection of poems written by over fifty authors in aid of the victims and survivors of the Orlando Pulse Attack. On June 12, 2016, the most horrendous mass shooting in US history and an unfathomable act of hate was directed at the LGBT community in Orlando. The horror of this tragedy reverberated around the world, leaving millions shocked and appalled at the senseless violence that destroyed so many innocent lives. In a display of solidarity with the v

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Poetry Call In Aid Of The Orlando Families/survivors. .

Calling all poets.   A fellow author, Lilly G Blunt, is putting together a poetry anthology. with all the royalties going to help the survivors and families of the dead. The suggested route for the money at the moment is https://www.gofundme.com/pulsevictimsfund but this has not been confirmed yet.   Details can be found in the Public Facebook Group Love is Love, but the main details are as follows -   ***SUBMISSION DETAILS *** This group is for contributors and supporters of the Love is L

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Photos To Make People Laugh!

Was trawling my photos and found a few that I thought would make people laugh.     This one didn't get away (2010)     I can fix it!!!! (2010)       My uncle didn't enjoy the music at my wedding reception (2003)     I'm the one on the right holding the cup, I think I was between eight and ten here   Hope I made a few people laugh laughing is good for you

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Book Review - Tears Of The Neko By Taylor Ryan

Book Details   Title: Tears of the Neko Author: Taylor Ryan Publisher: Self Published Length: 439 print pages   Blurb: A younger brother buys his brother, the Duke and heir to the throne, a surprising gift for his brother's birthday--a young, very skittish neko slave. But ,Damien has no use for a personal slave. But a bet with his two younger brothers has Damien keeping the boy at his side as a matter of pride. When attempts on his life begin, Damien discovers just how protective the cat-li

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Book Review - His Grandfather's Watch By N.r. Walker

This is my first book review, so please feel free to suggest improvements.   I looked at a few friends blogs and found there seemed to be a fairly excepted standard layout and so I have tried to stick to that as much as possible.   Book Details     Title: His Grandfather's Watch Author: N.R. Walker Publisher: BlueHeart Press Length: 86 print pages   Blurb: It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch. "It was my Grand

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

I'm Spending The Night In A Cardboard Box - Plus Giveaway!

Friday 25th September 2015 – 7:30pm till 7:30am.   I am spending a night sleeping in a cardboard box on the streets of Hastings. I am also shamelessly begging anyone who can to sponsor me and help me in this mad idea.   The event is called The Big Sleep, and is run by an organisation called Seaview. To secure my ticket I have to raise a minimum of £25 and this will ensure I get a small dinner and breakfast – supplied by a local charity as they would give to any homeless person. I of course

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Hastings Race For Life

Sunday 14th June saw hundreds of people pouring into Alexander Park in Hastings.   The sun was out for the 2015 Race for Life as women of all ages gathered to run, jog, or walk the 5k or 10k route round the park.   My daughter Alisha and my sister Lisa both participated in the 5k route, walking and dancing their way round.   Between them they have raised over £200 for Cancer Research UK. I am very proud of both of them.

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Haters And Bigots = Changes To My About Me Section

Just a short rant I promise. I have had to make some changes to my about me section and here is why..   I had a visit today from my church pastor and like I expected it was about… yep you guessed it, my writing. Apparently I am leading my readers down the wrong path and maybe am heading there myself. *cue the eye roll*   I won’t bore everyone with our conversation, but needless to say he wants me to stop writing gay/paranormal romance and I very nicely told him to get stuffed. I told him I

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Happy Mother's Day

Happy mother's Day to all mothers, Step-mothers, foster mothers and adoptive mothers. You all do a wonderful job and this day is especially for you all. xxxxxxxxxxx

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Summers Been Released In Hastings

Bank holiday Monday (4th May) saw the Traditional Jack in the Green parade in my hometown of Hastings UK.   Every year Morris dancers from all over gather to perform and walk the streets of Hastings Old Town.   The parade ends on the West Hill, where the Jack is symbolically slain, releasing the spirit of summer for another year.   It is a very busy day for the town, with thousands of outsiders gathering to witness the festivities. Many come on their motorcycles, there can be over 40,000

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Street Pastor Commissioning.

Halloween night (11/31/14) I was commissioned as a Hastings Street and Prayer Pastor.   The service was at Holy Trinity Church as was attended by over a hundred people. 12 street pastors and 6 prayer pastors were commissioned and after the service went out on their first official duties.   I was the first person to be commissioned for both in the same night, this did confuse martin who was calling out the names as I had already been presented with my street pastors cap and when he called m

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

A small excerpt from my loves landscapes story

This is a short scene from my loves landscape submission. I have now finished all the edits and will see about getting it posted here some how when the mmromance group have published it.   Story Extract:   As usual, Adam arrived early, no doubt hoping to find Ben only half dressed, just out of the shower. This time when Ben heard the doorbell, he opened and looked out the bedroom window to ensure it was Adam and not a neighbor, before calling down, “The door’s unlocked, Love.” The endearmen

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

mmromance Anthology Story Sent

My story for mmromance Loves Landscape Athology has now been sent, I am just waiting to hear what their editor Barb thinks.       The story is called CHAPMISTRES VIEW - ADAM AND BEN.       As the title says the story is about Adam and Ben.       Ben Smith (or is that his name?) is a new witch night nurse at the healing clinic, he is running from his past and doesn't want it to find him.       Adam Rickman is an Elder on the vampire council and at nearly 2000 years old had given u

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Hi There

I am new to blogging so please have patience with me.   I am aiming to use this blog to post previews and news on all my new and on going stories.   Please feel free to post comments or suggestions on everything you see, all I ask is that every one repects other peoples opinions and that no one uses my blog as a place to air any derogatory views or comments.   Enjoy!!

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

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