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The Wisdom of M

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"Don’t commit suicide because that’s what they want – If you commit suicide, they win. Choose life if only to spite them and p*** them off."


~Genesis P Orridge of the influential band Throbbing Gristle.

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/me is curious why MrM is mentioning this...



I was doing some reserch for a story and I came upon this quote. It reminded me of what got me through Jr. High and High school. I didn't even know this quote existed and yet it was something of a mantra for me in those days.


Writing can sometimes surface some old memories and thoughts from the past. Its part of the 'blood' an author has to spill on his papers.


I also get too many young gay guys that talk to me of suicide as an option. Sometimes the platitudes "you have so much to live for, things get better, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem..." just don't work. Especially for those suffering from bullies. 


This quote....many times DOES work where other things fail.

I guess when love isn't enough, you have to live out of hate to get through so you can find better love in the future.

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i only chose life because of something my mum said to me before she died, it kept me alive for a lotta years... the quote you share, needs to be on bathroom walls everywhere ...

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i only chose life because of something my mum said to me before she died, it kept me alive for a lotta years... the quote you share, needs to be on bathroom walls everywhere ...

During the height of their underground popularity in England in the late 70s, Throbbing Gristle were called by the press 'the destroyers of civilization' because of their deeply challenging and troubling music.


Just goes to show you...from such 'destroyers' comes some pretty healing advice.

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