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Dear G A

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Monday 27/8



Dear GA

I have fallen into that bad patten again, of staying up to the very early hours of the morning, and going to bed around 9am, and sleeping most of the day.

Yes, I hear you, I know it is bad for me, but I just can't help it.

The medications that I am on really screw me up sometimes, and although I am no longer gaining weight, I am still over weight and I can't seem to loose it.

I guess the addiction to Coca Cola doesn't help either, but I do try to eat healthy, with plenty of fruit and veg.

i really need to get into a fitness routine, but I just don't have the motivation to do it, and not having any family of friends near by doesn't help me either.

i just don't know what to do...

well that is all for now.


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Take care of yourself.

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Hi Preston,

I know from personal experience that sometimes things get difficult, but finding something positive can be a real help. You have something positive, your writing and the faithful following that you have on here. You are not alone we are all here for you, why to join us in mikiesboy's Drop in Centre in the forums and have a chat and a laugh with us.

Chas xoxo

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