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Updates and NaNoWriMo 2019

What to say. 


First of all, it's the 7th. I'm tired. So very tired. I've been either in a lot of pain (knees were grapefruit sized they were so swollen) and I've been doing Nano!

So how about I break it down?

Week 1 of National Novel Writing Month:

Week 1 has been interesting to say the least. On the 3ed, our friend's van died. She had to get a jump to start it up and we couldn't let it shut off (which made getting around a bit interesting), but I got some words that day. Then yesterday was shopping for my household. 

I got...no words. I was just so tired and my head hurt and...the cold had hit me hard. 

Like very hard. I'm recovering but right now I have this lovely thing called a temp so it's not happy making. 

Anyways, I'm sitting at over 11K right now, so I'm not hurting to badly. 

Current Works:

What am I writing? 3 fanfics and 2 different originals. My 2 originals are named Santa Needs a Mate (which is straight up romance) and Stalkmas (which is just what it sounds like). I'm already on chapter 5 of my Santa needs a mate and I'm mostly focusing on it for the moment. I'll be doing my others that it'll take a while to get it done and out. I hope that people like it, that's for sure. 

I'll also probably need someone who can edit things for me. We'll see how it goes down. 

Other stuff:

Like I said, cold hit me hard. I've been okayish for most of this week but the last two shopping trips have just worn me down so I'm resting and relaxing mostly. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll have gotten past this cold in full and I'll have a lot of words to rewrite and edit!


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