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What Happened During November?

*sips tea for throat* What happened during November? Well. I wrote a lot. 

Okay so let's break it down. I was keeping pretty good on keeping on track with the base amount of words. I did a lot of small things to get started and I continued a few older things that I've been wanting to play with. 

A list:

A Santa Needs a Mate story - 31 chapters in length. I'll post it when I'm done with it. 

Obscurity: A Morally Grey Harry Potter story. I need to reread the first 20 chapters to take notes and fill out information but I'm working on it.

Never a Spare: A What If Harry Potter story. I did some filler chapters for the first arc of this story. 

A Naruto Time Travel fic. No idea where I'm going with this.

Another Naruto fanfic. I know where I'm going with this one. 

Yep, I focused on a lot of fanfiction. I've been rewriting Bad Dog, which is a Comedy-Horror fiction that is book 1 in a series. I had issues with it, but now I'm doing better with it so I kind of haven't been focusing on the fanfic the way my mind wants me to. Fanfiction is a happy place for me mentally since I don't have to build a world for my characters. 

So outside of the writing, what happened?

I was sick for most of the month. It was come and go for the cold but it was there. The first week was all about the shopping for things. That was fun. Really. 

The second week was foggy and I spent most of it wording very slowly with one or two days of good words.

Week 3 was wonderful and I hit my word count hard and fast. The last week was all about thanksgiving prep and relaxing. I did enjoy my day of turkey though. It was delicious and relaxing. 

I am now hopefully able to get away from real life and spend some time on playing catch up with some stories and other people. ❤️ Hugs and loves all of you!

Also, yes, I won! I hit 50K on the 27th between making bread and skinning yams. 




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