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Ninety Days

Wayne Gray


I recently went to the doctor. Had some routine blood tests done that I've not had in a long time.

My vitamin D levels were low, while cholesterol and a test called CRP (c-reactive protein, a test that shows inflammation) were very high. Even though I work out hard, I'm predisposed to high cholesterol and heart disease.

I have three months to knock my numbers down. If I can't do it on my own, then I go on meds for the rest of my life. I've always said that I won't do medication when hard work could fix something. Well, we're about to find out if I can do enough to fix this without meds. If not, I'll take them and be thankful that I get a shot at retirement thanks to the miracles of medicine.

Ninety days. I have Ninety days.

I'd better make 'em good.

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Wayne Gray


2 minutes ago, dutch woman said:

It is easy to get used to it, but make sure that there are no more unhealthy products in the house.

 You are doing well, but don’t forget to replace the lentil from other legumes. 

That brings the much needed variation. See for example https://www.voedzaamensnel.nl/hoofdgerecht/supersnelle-volkoren-couscous-met-kikkererwten-of-linzen-of-kidneybonen-of/ use a translator.

and no more Italian sausage in a soup. Use chicken.

Harsh terms ... no more Italian sausage. Okay. Chicken apple sausage, and I'll just add a bit of red pepper flake to kick it up a little.

Thank you again. And thanks for the link!

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