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A sad pre-Easter tale



Half way through a boring day at work my other half phoned. She was in floods of tears. We live in the country and one of the four cats, Percy (Sir Perseus Plumb-Puss, a big black bruiser of a softy) had brought in a baby Bunny. Alive.


I arrived home in trepidation. I'm the man (chortle) and as such, and if required, I'm the bastard who has to put poor defenceless beasties out of their misery. Spiders I don't have a problem with: Glass on top, magazine beneath and then a swift lope to the garden. Slugs: no problem either, but Bunnies...


I just managed to get my coat off before I was ushered in to see said Bunny and proclaim its fate. E.D. (Eduardo Domanic Wouk-Wouk, black and white) and Percy were circling the bathroom, while the other two feline killing machines were sunning themselves by the fire.


There, by the bath, I fell in love. He was sooo cute, with a huge head and soulful brown eyes. Unfortunately he was terrified and hurt, and the Cats meowling outside the door didn't help at all. I picked him up and held him in my hand. He looked at me as if to say 'Help!'


After a lot grief, including discussions of vets vs vets fees vs four cats and a countryside full of baby Bunnies vs bankruptcy, I finally took him up to the woods and let him go. He sat there looking really sad and didn't move as I left.


Nature is so damn cruel.





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Well now that I'm depressed after that tale... I hope the bunny will be alright, since you said it was hurt. :(


Though you did the right thing... after all if you kept it, one of those cats would have hurt it again and who wants to be caged anyway?



Don't kill me for this...but um...four cats must eat a lot of food...you could have saved on your food bill...





Nature is cruel...unfortunately...humanity is crueler.



I cannot even begin to count the number of baby bunnies and mice I have dealt with in a similar manner. I used to live in the country and I won't even mention the number of cats that called my house home. MOST were mine, some were itinerants who spent a night or two checking out the facilities before deciding to move on to better things (or unspayed females, most likely). I have one cat, Honey-Honey, who was rather fond of testing her hunting skills--and showing me the results. She always brought her catches home to me alive--which was nice for the bunnies and the mice, not quite so nice for the bats, marginal on the snakes and frogs. And then...there was the night I got up in the middle of the night and heard (before I turned on the lights and saw) a nice big crawfish crawling across my kitchen floor. Honey Honey, of course. None of my others would step one foot in the creek and she always had a taste for seafood.


I had a special lilac bush where I would put the mice that would probably not make it. I liked to think they spent their final moments enjoying the fragrance. Those that I had better hopes for would go deeper into the woods before being releasaed to hopefully live to tell the tale of their capture and dramatic rescue from the horrible, saber-clawed, evil-eyed beasts.


Country life is wonderful. I miss it. My cats are all indoor cats now (we live in a city now) and the most exciting thing Honey-Honey has managed to catch has been a few wasps. Still brings them to me alive, though. Alive and pissed off. Nice kitty.

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