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December Festivities, and not just the flashy ones!

Cole Matthews


December offers such a wealth of subject matter on which we can write.  There are the parties with friends.  Gatherings with relatives.  The symbols and holidays are liberally sprinkled throughout the month. I wanted to explore some different paths this year beyond Christmas.

Prompt #93 - Winter Solstice - You are invited to a bonfire on December 20th in the middle of a clearing in the woods.  The snow blankets in a thick layer on the grass and coats the tree limbs.  There are tents with festive colors, flagons of mead, urns of hot apple cider and barrels of cold beer.  What happens next?

Prompt #94 - Saturnalia - Use the following words in a story: pork sausage, green and gold, moon, sun, fertility rod, sickle, and "king for a day".  

Have fun preparing for the other holidays coming up later in the month!

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  • Site Administrator

I like both of these!  Maybe I can come up with something for one of them.  

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