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Poetry Deep Dive 2




Reminder to all Poets out there, the Poetry Anthology 2024: Seasons is due April 1st, 2024.

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Ballad

a poem that tells a story and was traditionally set to music. Usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines.

  1. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  2. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete
  3. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  4. 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems by AC Benus Complete
  5. Love Looked at Me and Laughed and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  6. Second Sight: Remembering Some San Francisco Neighborhoods by AC Benus Complete
  7. June, 2020 – Hell in a Handbasket by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  8. Bragi's Bagatelles by Parker Owens Complete
  9. Lyrics for K. by AC Benus Complete
  10. Song of the '70s by AC Benus Complete

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Blank Verse

a poem with regular metrical but unrhymed lines, almost always in iambic pentameter.

  1. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  2. Hymenaios, or the Marriage of the God of Marriage by AC Benus Complete
  3. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  4. 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems by AC Benus Complete
  5. Terpsichore Behind the Mask by Parker Owens Complete
  6. Second Sight: Remembering Some San Francisco Neighborhoods by AC Benus Complete
  7. June, 2020 – Hell in a Handbasket by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  8. Old Coats: Explorations in the Cedar Closet by Parker Owens Complete
  9. Fountain, Field and Forest by Parker Owens Complete
  10. Lorca's "Ode to Walt Whitman" by AC Benus Temporary Hold

Top 0 Most Read Poetry - Cinquain

a short poem consisting of five, usually unrhymed lines containing, respectively, two, four, six, eight, and two syllables. Cinquains may be paired and manipulated to create longer forms. For example, the mirror cinquain has lines of syllables 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 2, 8, 6, 4, 2.  Cinquains are often used in teaching schoolchildren early forms of poetry.

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Top 0 Most Read Poetry - Confessional

Features intimate and personal revelations, often drawing on the poet's own experiences, emotions, and struggles.

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Top 0 Most Read Poetry - Ekphrastic Poetry

Responds to or describes a work of visual art, capturing the essence of a painting, sculpture, or other visual medium through words.

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Top 4 Most Read Poetry - Epic Poetry

a lengthy narrative poem, typically set in the far past, involving heroic and extraordinary adventures and dealings of people with gods or other superhuman forces.

  1. Pride Month, and other Haibun by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  2. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  3. Lorca's "Ode to Walt Whitman" by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  4. Lorca’s "Love from the Darkness Sonnets" by AC Benus Temporary Hold

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Free-Verse

poetry that follows natural speech patterns, but does not rhyme or follow a regular meter

  1. NaPoWriMo-2016 by Emi GS Complete
  2. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. 99-Cent Love Poems by Ashi Complete
  4. Poetry by Renee by Renee Stevens Complete
  5. Eloquence From the Heart by Winged_Wolf Long-Term Hold
  6. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  7. Poetry Saga FA2016 by Emi GS Complete
  8. Tell Me by jian_sierra Complete
  9. Confusion by jian_sierra Complete
  10. Poetry Fail by Comicality Complete

Top 0 Most Read Poetry - Ghazal

A poetic form with rhyming couplets and a repeating refrain, often exploring themes of love, loss, and longing. It has its roots in Arabic and Persian poetry.

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Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Haiku

a short poem of three lines with five, seven, and five syllables respectively. While there are several schools of Haiku writing, the most faithful to the original will use some aspect of the natural world as its subject, and will not contain any personal references to the writer/observer.

  1. NaPoWriMo-2016 by Emi GS Complete
  2. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. 99-Cent Love Poems by Ashi Complete
  4. Poetry Saga FA2016 by Emi GS Complete
  5. tim's Bits and Pieces by Mikiesboy Temporary Hold
  6. NaPoWriMo - 2017 by Emi GS Complete
  7. Poems and Short Quips by MacGreg Long-Term Hold
  8. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  9. Headstall's Poetry Prompts by Headstall Complete
  10. April Musings by Valkyrie Long-Term Hold

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Limerick

a poem that is typically humorous and bawdy, written in five-line, predominantly anapestic trimeter with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth lines rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.

  1. tim's Bits and Pieces by Mikiesboy Temporary Hold
  2. Timmy's Journal by Mikiesboy Complete
  3. Kavya, My Poetry by asamvav111 Complete
  4. Fireworks & Rain by Aditus Complete
  5. JUMP! NaPoWriMo 2022 by Aditus Complete
  6. Alex's Little Book of Poems by Alex Complete
  7. Limerick's loony bin and other crazy sh% by Aditus Complete
  8. My Poems, Satires & Other Lyrical Nonsense by D.K. Daniels Long-Term Hold
  9. Bible Sex Laws - An Exploration in Limericks by Refugium Complete
  10. Ode to a Perfect Willy by Riley Jericho Complete

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Lyric

a poem that expresses personal feelings or emotions, typically written in first person. There are several general groupings of lyric poetry, including elegies, odes and sonnets.

  1. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  2. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  4. Light & Dragonflies: Nature Poems/Love Poems by AC Benus Complete
  5. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete
  6. Fireworks & Rain by Aditus Complete
  7. 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems by AC Benus Complete
  8. Love Looked at Me and Laughed and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  9. Birds by Parker Owens Long-Term Hold
  10. June, 2020 – Hell in a Handbasket by AC Benus Temporary Hold

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Mixed Forms

a mixture of two or more forms of poetry

  1. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  2. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. Disasters, Delights and Other Detours by Parker Owens Complete
  4. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus In Process
  5. Translation Trashbin by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  6. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  7. The Thousandth Regiment by AC Benus Complete
  8. Light & Dragonflies: Nature Poems/Love Poems by AC Benus Complete
  9. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus In Process
  10. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Rhyming

a poem containing two or more words that repeat the same or similar sounds in the final syllable, usually placed at the end of lines placed so they echo each other

  1. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  2. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  4. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete
  5. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  6. Blackbird Singing by raven1 Temporary Hold
  7. Fireworks & Rain by Aditus Complete
  8. 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems by AC Benus Complete
  9. Love Looked at Me and Laughed and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  10. Treasures Found by Headstall Complete

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Sonnet

a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, typically containing ten syllables per line, traditionally using iambic pentameter. A sonnet must contain a turning point (or, volta), in which the thread of the theme changes direction. There are three main sorts of sonnet: Italian (or, Petrarchan), Shakesperean, and Spenserian; each of these has a different rhyme scheme. The Italian rhymes ABBAABBA CDCDCD or ABBAABBA CDECDE; the Shakespearean uses ABAB CDCD EFEF GG; the Spenserian ABAB BCBC CDCD EE.

  1. A Man in a Room, and other poems by AC Benus Complete
  2. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete
  3. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens Temporary Hold
  4. The Thousandth Regiment by AC Benus Complete
  5. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus In Process
  6. rima fragmenta, Fragments of a Rift: Fifty Sonnets for Kevin by AC Benus Complete
  7. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  8. Fireworks & Rain by Aditus Complete
  9. 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems by AC Benus Complete
  10. Love Looked at Me and Laughed and other poems by AC Benus Complete

Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Translation

a poem translated from another language

  1. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus In Process
  2. Translation Trashbin by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  3. The Thousandth Regiment by AC Benus Complete
  4. Light & Dragonflies: Nature Poems/Love Poems by AC Benus Complete
  5. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus In Process
  6. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete
  7. Hymenaios, or the Marriage of the God of Marriage by AC Benus Complete
  8. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold
  9. Miracles by AC Benus Complete
  10. June, 2020 – Hell in a Handbasket by AC Benus Temporary Hold
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