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Mosey is one of those unusual words whose origin is unknown.

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Sometimes I mosey over to Reddit to remind me of just how good I've got it here.

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Mosey is an interesting word that no one is quite certain how it came into the American lexicon. It arrived in 1829 as a verb meaning:  to hurry away.

Today, it has three definitions: to set off, to get going, to start a journey; to go off quickly, to hurry up; and, to amble, to saunter, to walk or proceed in a leisurely manner.

Its origins are up for grabs: Spanish vamos (let’s go); British dialectal mose about (walk around stupidly); or, Ojibwe bimose (she or he walks along). Not a lot of sauntering there.

Although mosey is attributed to have begun in the American South, its usage is mostly associated with the Old West, which would put it approximately 22.5 miles south-southeast of Childress, Texas.

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