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s-s-s-sooooooooooooo COLD!



Kay so, just for ambience or whatever... it's 12:07 am, and I'm sitting here waiting for Rich to get finished building this computer so we can go to bed. It is SO DAMN COLD in here it's beyond ridiculous... I looked... 56 degrees... holy shit right?! So yeah, the deal with that is, a while back, MANY months back, the gas comany was out here to light a pilot light for us, and the guy told Rich that if we keep the furnace pilot light out, it'll save us money and then they'll come back and light t for us in the winter. Riiiight, well... that's all fine and dandy, but winter just decided to suddenly show up here in sunny Southern California. I mean just a week ago it was 90 degrees out, and today it was 60. So yeah I called and schedulled an appointment with the aforementioned pilot lighter man... who should be here sometime on Friday, you know, between 8 am and 7 pm... :wacko:


My anthology entry is moving right along, so that's cool... I had some worries, some concerns, still sorta do, but it's turning out well, and totally sweet so far, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


FBTE is still a little over half done, and as soon as I finish this anthology entry which does have a deadline, I'll finish that. Thanks for being patient guys! :2thumbs:


And then there's the Christmas cards to make and then sign and then mail to everyone... but I actually like doing that, so it'll be fun.


So Rich brought home this DVD set... Season 1 of this show called Firefly. It's sort of a sci-fi meets country western meets Star Wars kinda thing and actually REALLY good, plus.. the guy who plays the captain, Nathan Fillion, looks crazy like Jason Bateman, which I just can't get over. Anyway, supposedly there is some movie that comes at the end called Serenity, so we'll watch that Friday night, can't wait! :D


I'm gonna be loooonely on Saturday night... my angel :wub: and my luvuh ;) are both gonna be out of town, oddly enough in the exact same place... coincidence? I think so :P but hey, it would be cool if they ran into each other right? And by the time I get home from work my sweetie :wub: will be fast asleep. But then I'll wait up for him like I always do, and then when I go to bed, he'll go take a nap... we have a system :P don't knock it alright.


Did I mention I was cold yet? Cause I am... and it is CRAZY windy outside too! I wanted to go get my car washed today, but what would be the point really with all the sand blowing around :/


Beeeeeeeed, I want bed, and coziness, and warmth, and snuggling, and... SLEEP! That would be nice!


So yeah, this is me falling asleep so I'm gonna go try and coax Rich into bed with me since he has to be up for work tomorrow anyway...


Stay warm and safe,



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Yay for getting into Firefly! And I think it's funny that you think 56 is freezing. My roommate is from Vegas and she tries to turn the heat on when it's 60, meanwhile I have the windows open when it's 45. :D

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I used to live in Phoenix, AZ for 5 1/2 years, so I am really used to being in warm weather. I moved to San Diego CA last year and I just find this weather really cold. I keep telling myself be happy you did not move to a place that snows (I would not survive).



I cant wait until your anthology entry is up, it seems everything you touch turns to gold.

I will be honest with you I haven't been keeping up with FBTE (bad Anthony, I know) I really like the story too, and I have actually have all day today to veg so I hope to catch up today :boy: .




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It's kind of funny how just this morning I had the same thoughts except reversed. The ladies that work in the same strip as I have been starting every day for the past 2 weeks or so with the same conversation about how uncharacteristically warm it's been...

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Yep, Serenity is a great movie, though it's a pity they cancelled Firefly after just one season. :( Joss Weedon Rocks!

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Tell Rich that it's against "Man Law" to NOT know how to light the pilot on a furnace or a waterheater. :thumbdown: Tell him there are GAY guys out there that even know how to do something as simple as that. :P


The instructions are usually on the inside of the furnace cover or the gas valve itself.


He needs to trade in his jeans for a skirt. I'm disappointed.


BTW it's 16F degrees outside right now, but it's a toasty 70F in my kitchen :D


Looking foreward to your anthology entry, I'm sure it will be awesome as usual. Your last two are my favorites.




P.S. My mom called while I was writing this..........she even knows how to light a pilot. :P

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:hug: *hugs* Viv to keep her warm. I'd send you a warm blanket if I could just find one here. England is so :thumbdown: when you try to find things.


Hope you are good and have fun with writing your cards.



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It's snowing here, so if you were here I bet you would be more then s-s-s-sooooooooooooo COLD! :great: <=== Bad pun.


Can't wait to read your story. I guess its fair play this time around. You get to read mine before I get to read yours. :P


Take care



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Tell Rich that it's against "Man Law" to NOT know how to light the pilot on a furnace or a waterheater. :thumbdown: Tell him there are GAY guys out there that even know how to do something as simple as that. :P


The instructions are usually on the inside of the furnace cover or the gas valve itself.


He needs to trade in his jeans for a skirt. I'm disappointed.


BTW it's 16F degrees outside right now, but it's a toasty 70F in my kitchen :D


Looking foreward to your anthology entry, I'm sure it will be awesome as usual. Your last two are my favorites.




P.S. My mom called while I was writing this..........she even knows how to light a pilot. :P



RIch in a skirt...


I can actually picture that.


Now I wish I hadn't


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I'll take your temperature and give you mine.... It was a high of 15 today. With the wind chill added in it was -8.

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