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:) i think everyone needs a break now and then and if it is starting to feel more liek a chore then you must need one, you should take some time off and write when you want to, it should be something you enjoy doing not something you feel you have to do as that is when authors lose their passion for writing. I hope everything goes well and you enjoy your break and hope you do return to writing because you are very talented and i am sure most your readers will understand your need for a break.



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I am excited to hear that TOSOM 14 is finished; am looking forward to reading it.


I think everyone will understand your need for a break. If writing is a chore, it may be reflected in the quality of your writing, and no one would want to see that. We will all hope that after you complete your current projects and take time off to recharge your batteries, you will find some great inspiration for another story and we will be the beneficiaries of that. We will certainly miss the excitement of all the cliffhangers while you are away.


All the best,



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Take your time, everyone needs a break, if forced to write a story, then it's blah, won't be fun etc.


Sorry to hear about your personal life :hug:

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Your work is of professional quality Dom. It is easily publishable and several of your stories would make strong screenplays.


Take your break Dom.


While you're at it, you might want to drive into the city and talk to a few agents.





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Writing a chapter story is hard enough, but when you have the popularity you do, it must be a nightmare. I'm glad you're still sane!


Chill, relax, and come back when you're ready.





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[sniffs, blows nose, dries tears] :,(




We'll miss you sooo much. James is right, you have such a talent. You could easily do this professionally and I hope you at least consider that at some point.


You said something about your LAST story. Dom, please, you are VERY young. Please don't quit telling stories or even think about it. Not yet. Your work gives so much pleasure and entertainment to so many, and inspiration to write to others like me. Take a break, step back and think about it. Even the greatest of writers take sabaticals. It is a good thing to clear the head, especially if the personal problems seem overwhelming. This could also be why the writing seems like a chore. Please promise to think about it anyway. We all love you and support you!





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Hey, I don't think you should feel bad for taking a break, your one of the only authors out there that always finishes a story and updates regularly. You gave us all something amazing, an escape to a world where things could turn out just like we want them to turn out in real life, and maybe now it's your turn to go live it up a little. I hope this isn't the last we see from you as an author, but if it is good luck <3

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Of course you must take a break if you feel you need to. However let me say that yours is a great talent and it will call you again of that I am sure.


You have given so much pleasure to us. It is true that we are also greedy and needy but we are your 'adoring public' and the cliche for once is totally true.


Best wishes :boy:



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This member of your adoring public would gladly pay 7.50 to see the Ordinary Us, The Log Way or Desert Dropping in a theater. I promise I won't act like a hyper-nerd Star Wars fanboy. :wacko:




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This member of your adoring public would gladly pay 7.50 to see the Ordinary Us, The Log Way or Desert Dropping in a theater. I promise I won't act like a hyper-nerd Star Wars fanboy. :wacko:



I must agree.

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Well, Dom, it's time to take care of "The Other Side of Thee". Like all the comments above, we greedy fans can't get enough of your stories. I totally agree with them, you should be published and made into a whole series of movies. I think your writing is your true calling. Whatever you do to pay the rent is important at this stage, but your true calling is your creative and sensitiive writing, in my humble opinion. So take time - renew - but please come back to us.


Until then, if you look over on the sidelines and wonder who that funny man is jumping up and down and why he's so excited - that's me, still cheering you on with thanks and support. Renew - and keep on trudging when you can. We love you.



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[sniffs, blows nose, dries tears] :,(




We'll miss you sooo much. James is right, you have such a talent. You could easily do this professionally and I hope you at least consider that at some point.


You said something about your LAST story. Dom, please, you are VERY young. Please don't quit telling stories or even think about it. Not yet. Your work gives so much pleasure and entertainment to so many, and inspiration to write to others like me. Take a break, step back and think about it. Even the greatest of writers take sabaticals. It is a good thing to clear the head, especially if the personal problems seem overwhelming. This could also be why the writing seems like a chore. Please promise to think about it anyway. We all love you and support you!






YEAH !!! What the Pirate said ;)


We all DO support you and love you.



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well i know its been said multiple times already, but they're right!! you could easily be published Dom, and you honestly should consider it! if you need a break love, take it!! although we, your "adoring fans" will miss you, we understand. everyone gets drained and burnt out every now and then. i do hope you come back to writing though, you are one hell of a writer! anyway..sorry to here about the personal problems, and not trying to be offensive, but your dad's wife sounds like a major bitch, and not the good kind, i know its not my place to judge, but i wanted to tell you, you have nothing to be sorry or feel bad or guilty about, it's all her Dom. okies, hugs and kisses!!! go forth and recharge, i woulda said multiply, but umm yeah, least you can have fun trying ;) we love you Dom

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Hey Dom!


I haven't read your Blog in a while and I'm sorry to read about all the crap you've been going thru lately. I'd don't have much more to add than has already been said other than thanks for all the enjoyment you've created for us and it's genuinely appreciated!


Enjoy some time off (both from writing and work) and I'm hoping that someday the writing bug will hit you again and we'll see something that will exceed the already high bar you've set.



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