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Advice, please!



I haven't blogged in an age and a half - at least here. That's one of the problems with blogs. They're almost too easy to set up.


I'm trying to decide quite how 'out' I want to be. What I mean is that 'Camy' is obviously a pen name/pseudonym - and one I'm very happy with, and proud of.


I picked it on the spur of the moment when I signed up at GA, just over a year ago. I'm known as Camy everywhere I go within the confines of 'gay writing'. However Camy is not me. Camy is the me that came out and started writing, the me that likes to think he can't be traced back to the 'real me' ... which, as I've had pointed out, is not hard.


However I'm also a musician, and that's where my quandary lies. I'd like to have all my artistic 'things' under one name. I'd like to be able to say "hey, listen to this song the bands just recorded." But at the moment I can't - unless I creep out some more. and that could be painful.


So I'd like some advice, if you'd be so kind.

Is the fact that I'm Gay Author writing gay fiction a death knell to me performing music in a band? Should I keep the two totally separate, and start worrying about late onset schizophrenia? Or what?




Camy B)


Recommended Comments

old bob


Hey Camy

Everybody has many souls in one's person. Why couldn't you keep them separate ? Dont worry about schizophrenia. It's a very frequent illness, like headache, and easy to cure !

Stay as you are, take care, and live happy with yourself.



I think it would depend on exactly what level of musician you are.


Are you the



Is it the same group I heard on Awesome Dude Radio??? I mean, I wouldn't know personally, but judging by the song I heard from you guys, it seems like they would all be fairly gay friendly, since the theme was being true to your feelings.....anyway, whatever you decide, good luck.

  • Site Administrator


I think it depends on what your concerns are. If it is that you think people (either other band members or anyone who follows the band) will freak out, then that's an incentive to staying in the closet.


However, my impression is that musicians overall are generally easy-going as far as gays are concerned.


If you're happy coming out, and you think the band members will be comfortable, then why not tell them and ask their advice about advertising the band here at GA and elsewhere?


Personally, I think you should mix your artistic ventures, but since I also am not out as a writer to anyone except my family, I'm not one to talk....



The only reason I didn't post the band I'm in's address all over the places I hang out for stories is that it's the band's site. Others are OK with it, but I'm not officially out to all of them. But usually we keep each other informed of the "official" advertising. So I gave it in PM to lots of people, but never formally posted it.


But now you've got me wondering. I mean I should really make sure the coming out is official so I can give the address. It wouldn't hurt if more people heard us. We'd even get new friends on MySpace, I bet. :D


So, same as Graeme.

Guest Kitty


You mean your name isn't really Camy? :o:o:o




Seriously, though ... do you know what your main concern is? Is it being "out" generally? Is it about your true identity being known online? Are you concerned that the public might not respond well to your band if they knew you were gay? Where is your question coming from? The part of you that wants to be known as the person creating all of this ... what does it want? What about the part that wants to keep it all separate?


I don't have the answers, just questions that might help you find the answer. I have a similar "dilemma", actually, with regard to the various things I'm doing.


(Bear in mind that I am someone who as a child wanted to be a famous writer when I grew up ... except that because I am such a private person, I'd need to do it under a pseudonym :rolleyes: . I've got this image of me appearing on the Oprah show to promote my book, with a paper bag over my head, kind of like the "Unknown Author".)


Bottom line question: what do you want?

Next question: what will serve you best in getting there?







Bottom line question: what do you want?

Next question: what will serve you best in getting there?

I guess the answer to both would be, I don't know.


I suppose I was hoping for some sort of miraculous advice, so I don't have to decide for myself. Maybe an angel appearing behind the garden shed with a list of 'life' instructions.


Anyway, I really appreciate all the comments. :)


Camy B)

the indecisive

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