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Busted chapter 34



[The first of three parts for this particular monday in the story. I'm tempted to group them all together and title it 'Dodging the Bullet']


"So, had a fun weekend?" Steve was munching on the last chocolate chocolate chip muffin as he watched the steam rise off his coffee. At least he presumed it was steam. There was always the possibility that it was smoke from the Styrofoam being eaten away by the coffee.


"Don't even start," Chris growled. He still felt like hell. Toby hadn't made it any better


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I'm not sure I really like the way that Steve hassles Chris at the beginning of this. Chris certainly deserves it, but the banter doesn't quite work right. Once he starts laying into Chris it's fine, it's just the lead in that needs thumping. (He says, making notes for the rewrite)

Lucy Kemnitzer


I didn't notice anything off about Steve's conversation till you mentioned it, but when I went back and looked at it I think I saw what you meant. I bet you'll probably leave it be in the end, though.


What's really weird is that the timestamp for the comment reads "Today, 11 something AM," and for the post it reads "Today, 3 something PM." In other words, you made the comment four hours before the post? Or did you edit the post later, and the system only shows the edit time and not the original post time?


Chris's complaints are out of line in any construction of events from the night before, but he's a whining wreck and still drunk, so it fits.


I'm dying to know whether the serial killer plot is parallel to or one with the Chris/Alex situation. I had this idea that maybe Alex comes from the same place as the monsters, rather than, as I had been thinking, from the center of Chris.


I'm pretty well convinced, for now, that Alex is more than a chunk of Chris's personality, though clearly he is also less than a complete person. And just because Chris and Steve agree that Alex is not "real," that does not really exclude him having a kind of reality anyway.



Blog entries look like they get their timestamps updated when they get released, and you can comment on draft entries. (Which was a nice surprise, actually) I had the blog entry in and queued up to go a couple of days ago. As soon as I finish one I dump it into the system as a draft entry to help keep the urge to fiddle under control. I've been trying to make sure there's at least one pending in case of a dry spell or something going bang at work. Currently everything through chapter 38 is written and in the system. (Yesterday was productive)


It's fun writing all the misunderstandings. Chris and Steve agree completely that Alex isn't real. They just don't realize they don't agree on what he is. Have to get that cleared up pretty soon, I think. Week or so in story time, probably, as I've got some deadlines to meet in there...

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