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General plan for education

On the financial side I'm looking at loans, loans loans.


I'll be taking four courses this summer, and another five in the fall to complete my bachelor's by december.


In January '08 I will start graduate school. I will be completing it as quickly as possible, since I'll be taking out loans to pay for it and live off of. Five courses in the spring, four over the summer, and five more in the fall will have all my coursework finished in one year. Spring of '09 will see me doing my thesis and my internship, as well as working full time. By may of '09 I'll have a master's in hand and be looking into starting a career.


There is another, very slim possibility. I've looked at several colleges in the area where my boyfriend is currently living, working, and going to school. In doing so I found the closest one to Silven which offered a program that I would be interesed in was Princeton, of all places. I'm going to try between now and December to build up a record worth even applying to the school, my biggest hurdle is probably going to be coming up with a substantial professional reccomendation as I do not at this time have professional experience in my field of interest. Its a goal I'm going to shoot for, and if I do get accepted it would mean no fast-tracking through the program like I intend to do at USF, it would be a full two year program. If nothing else, I can shoot for Princeton with USF as my back up, because if I can even come close to getting accepted to Princeton I'll be sure to be accepted into the USF program. Another bonus is that Princeton has a philosophy of offering scholarships, not loans, so going there might actually be far cheaper in the long run since I wouldn't be borrowing so much money to get my education. Then of course there's the Ivy League aspect... I find it hard to believe I'd find it difficult to start a career with a hefty salary if I have a master's degree from Princeton University.


Looking again at the pragmatic aspect, should I succeed at getting into Princeton, I would be approximately an hour away from Silven, rather than a $200-450 plane trip away from him I'd be looking at ~$50 round trip train tickets. A much better proposition than what I'm looking at now.


Its a slim possibility, I know... but I think its worth it to try.

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I hope it works for you. Princeton would work good for your goals.


Don't give up.


Best wishes.



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