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Viv's Blog

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okay so I stole it...



... but I thought it looked fun :D



1. are you missing someone right now?: Yes

2. are you happy? right now? Sorta

3. are you talking to anyone right now?: Yes

4. are you bored?: Not often

5. are you German?: Some

6 are you Irish?: Also, some

7. are you French?: No

8. are you Italian?: Yes

9. are your parents still married?: Umm, I guess I'll go with yes, if they were still alive, even though they had separated.

10. do you like someone right now?: Yes, I hope so anyway, since I married him.



1. store: Borders, I guess

2. flowers: Roses

3. color: Green

4. sport: To play? Swimming. To watch, gymnastics, ice skating, baseball, hockey, football...

5. mall: Probably Brea Mall, or the one near my work.

6. movie: Gosh, I dunno... I love so many...

8. season: Right now, spring

9. animal: Kitties or giraffes :P

10. state: I've been to almost every one, at least in the contiguous 48 and I'll say California, cause it's home :D and warm.



1. hometown: Anaheim, CA

2. hair color: Brown

3. Birthday: June 20, 1977

4. hair style: Medium/long and straight

5. eye color: Hazel brown/green

6. best friend: Heh, going with Davey here :wub:

7. mood: Tryin to be indifferent

8. skin color: White

9. available: Nope

10. left/right-handed: Right



1. have you ever been in love?: Yes

2. do you believe in love: Yes

3. why did your last relationship fail: We were kids...

4. have you ever been heartbroken: I think I thought so at the time, yeah

5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: I hope not

6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends: No

7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Maybe as a kid

8. are you afraid of commitment: Nope, not at all

9. has someone ever kissed your hand: Mmmhmm!

10. have you ever had a secret admirer: Not that I know of



1. love or trust: Both, what's one without the other?

2. hard liquor or beer: Neither, Margaritas!

3. night or day: Day

4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships

5. television or internet: I guess internet... depends what's on TV

6. pepsi or coke?: Coke

7. wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in

8. chocolate or vanilla: Depends

9. phone or in person: In person

10. Love or Lust: Love



1. have you ever been caught sneaking out?: Umm, no.

2. have you ever skinny dipped: Don't think so

3. have you ever done something you regret: Sure, who has't

4. have you ever sky dived: NO!

5. have you ever been on a house boat: Yeah :wacko:

6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: Yep, I perservere!

7. have you ever liked someone so badly it hurt?: Yes

9. have you ever danced in the rain?: Yes

10. have you ever had a hang over?: Nope



1. Who was the last person you laughed with? In person, Steve. Online, Davey.

2. Who can cheer you up instantly?: Davey, and Jeff, and Rich, depending on the circumstances I need cheering up about.

3. Who do you think will make you smile tomorrow: All of the above

4. Who is making the world a more terrible place to live in: Selfish people

5. Who dominates the family: I think me

6. Who is like a brother/sister to you: Davey

7. Who is the youngest person you know: Heh, I know babies.. moving on

8. Who makes the best dinner: ME!

9. Who needs to chill: ME!



1. What do you hope will happen next week: Nothing horrible and lots of smiley stuff

2. What would you name a newborn puppy: Max? :P I dunno...

3. What relaxes you: Laughing

4. What is the most difficult decision you had to make: Not telling... sorry

6. What's your style: Casual, comfortable, but feminine, I hope.

7. What is your number one priority: Uh, kids, family, totally.

8. What is the worst movie you've ever seen: Napoleon Dynamite...

9. What do you want for Christmas: A trip to Scotland! And some snowball making lessons so I can protect myself!



1. When is it a good time to be truthful: Almost always.

2. When was your last break-up: Over 14 years ago

3. When do you take time for yourself: In the shower? When I'm home alone maybe.

4. When is the next time you'll see your best friend: Not soon enough

5. When will world hunger end: When people stop being so selfish and get their priorities in order

6. When was your last bad hair day: A few months ago

7. When do you usually take a shower: Morning, or before work, depends.

8. When are you going to go on your next date: No dating for me, I'm married remember?

9. When will emo kids grow up: I think that's a stereotypical question :thumbdown:

10. When did you first learn about sex: Maybe 13?



1. Why do you feel the way you do right now: Cause I hate that growth has to be so hurtful, when it should be invigorating.

2.Why are teenagers becoming more apathetic: Are we making them grow up to fast?

3. Why did you say the meanest thing you've ever said: It was probably the truth...

4. Why can't perfection exist: Eye of the beholder right?

5. Why is gay marriage illegal: It's not everywhere, and the US is supposed to be the place for freedom :blink:

6. Why, in your opinion, are some countries more privileged than others: Because we continue to make it so

7. Why is your father the way he is: He was... too smart for his own good, not a lot of common sense I guess

8. Why do bad things feel so good: Who knows, everything in moderation right?

9. Why would you hurt someone, if you ever did: To protect myself

10. Why did you go online today: To talk to Davey



Q. First thing you did this morning?: Saw Rich next to me in bed.

Q. The last thing you ate?: Olive Garden... Salad and Capellini Pomodoro

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: My anniversary and Mother's Day

Q. What's annoying you right now?: I'm hungry but too stubborn to go eat.

Q. What's the last movie you saw?: Blades of Glory

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: Sure, do I think they are healthy and work out well, probably not.

Q Where is the last place you went?: To hang out with Steve.

Q: Who is the last person you called?: Rich

Q: Been cheated on?: I don't think so

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: I'm sure somewhere

Q: Do you wish on stars?: Mmhmm :P

Q: Did it work?: Things happen as they are supposed to

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: NO!

Q: When did you last cry?: Last week at a movie

Q: Do you like your handwriting?: Sometimes

Q: Are you a friendly person?: Almost always

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?: Not likely

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?: Mine

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: Black

Q: Do you have any pets?: Dog named Ocean and a cat named Licorice

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?: White

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?: At a movie with Steve

Q: Last person you talked to: Steven, my prince!

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?: The day he died

Q: Look to your left: Pencils, my old cell phone that retired, my kitty, and a bottle of Aquafina water.

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?: Yes

Q: Song that makes you cry?: Mariah Carey, One Sweet Day http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/One...825686200131926

Q: Are you a normally happy person?: Usually



1. Smoked a cigarette: No

2. Smoked a cigar: No

3. Drank so much you threw up: No

4. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: Yes

5. Been arrested: No

6. Gone on a blind date: No

7. Skipped school: Yes

8. Seen someone die: No

9. Been to Canada: Yes

10. Been to Mexico: No

11. Been on a plane: Yes

12. Been lost: Yes, always

13. Been on the opposite side of the country: Yes

14. Swam in the ocean: Yes

15. Felt like dying: No

17. Played cops and robbers: Yes

18. Recently colored with crayons: No

19. Sang karaoke: No

20. Paid for a meal with only coins: Yes

21. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: No

22. Made prank phone calls: Yes

23. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: No

24. Caught a snowflake on your tongue: Yes

26. Written a letter to Santa Clause: Yes

27. Been kissed under the mistletoe: Yes

29. Blown bubbles: Yes

30. Made a bonfire on the beach: Yes

31. Crashed a party: No

32. Gone roller-skating: YES!


Personal questions to know you better:


1. Nicknames? Viv, Vivvy, Various others...


2. Mother's name? Kathryn


3. What is your favorite drink? Water or Pink Lemonade


4. Tattoos? No


5. Body piercing? Ears


6. How much do you love your job? It pays my bills, mostly, and gives us medical insurance, and works with my schedule I need for my kids... It's okay I guess.


7. Birthplace: Los Angeles, California


8. Favorite vacation spot? Someplace with good friends and family


9. Ever been to Africa? No


10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? I'm sure


11. Ever been on TV? Mmhmm... in my youth :P


12. Ever stole any traffic signs? I have some in my garage


13. Ever been in a car accident? Yeah, a few


14. Was it your fault? Sometimes


15. 2 doors or 4? 4


16. Favorite salad dressing? Blue cheese or Italian


17. Favorite pie? Uhh, cream cheese with strawberries and whip cream


18. Favorite number? I have no idea


20. Favorite holiday? I dunno, I like Christmas and my birthday


21. Favorite dessert? Strawberry shortcake


22. Favorite food? Anything Italian, Pizza!!!


23. Favorite day of the week? Sunday


24. Favorite brand of body soap? Oil of Olay


25. Favorite TV show? Alias


26. Favorite Toothpaste? Crest


27. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Worrying about being almost 40 :wacko:


28. What do you do when you are bored? Read, blog apparently :P




So, Steve's kitty likes me! :P All is well right?


My son went for his first sleep over EVER last night... at his cousins. I have to go pick him up here pretty soon... I miss his smiley self and his hugs. I need food!





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1. are you missing someone right now?: Yes

2. are you happy? right now? Yes

3. are you talking to anyone right now?: Yes

4. are you bored?: No

5. are you German?: No

6 are you Irish?: No

7. are you French?: No

8. are you Italian?: No

9. are your parents still married?: Yes

10. do you like someone right now?: Yes, I'm going to marry him :D



1. store: Next

2. flowers: Tulips

3. color: Baby Blue

4. sport: To play? Pool (does pool qualify as a sport?) . To watch, Tennis!

5. mall: Probably Braehead Glasgow :D

6. movie: Im not sure *shrug*

8. season: Summer

9. animal: Dogs

10. state: California (Ive never been to any though)



1. hometown: Inverness

2. hair color: Weird brown that changes colour.

3. Birthday: 9 th Dec '80

4. hair style: Shirt

5. eye color: Brown

6. best friend: Viv and Lorri

7. mood: Happy

8. skin color: White

9. available: Nope

10. left/right-handed: Right



1. have you ever been in love?: Yes

2. do you believe in love: Yes

3. why did your last relationship fail: Umm like grade 7 lol

4. have you ever been heartbroken: YES! In like grade 2! This girl moved away and I loved her! (I dont remember her name though!)

5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: No

6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends: No

7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Yeah when I was little

8. are you afraid of commitment: Nope!

9. has someone ever kissed your hand: Yeah :D

10. have you ever had a secret admirer: No... But it could have been a secret



1. love or trust: Go together right? SO both

2. hard liquor or beer: Both!

3. night or day: Day

4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships

5. television or internet: Internet ( I dont watch TV)

6. pepsi or coke?: Both

7. wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in

8. chocolate or vanilla: Choco

9. phone or in person: In person

10. Love or Lust: Love



1. have you ever been caught sneaking out?: Yes lol all the time in my teens.

2. have you ever skinny dipped: Yes

3. have you ever done something you regret: Yeah

4. have you ever sky dived: Nope

5. have you ever been on a house boat:No

6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: Yes!

7. have you ever liked someone so badly it hurt?: Yes, I still do.

9. have you ever danced in the rain?: No. (Does the pee pee dance count lol)

10. have you ever had a hang over?: Hell Yeah.... *sigh* 25 was a bad year :(



1. Who was the last person you laughed with? Chris

2. Who can cheer you up instantly?: Chris, Viv, Nate and Jeff

3. Who do you think will make you smile tomorrow: My guess would be Chris first :D

4. Who is making the world a more terrible place to live in: BP

5. Who dominates the family: My Mum!

6. Who is like a brother/sister to you: Viv

7. Who is the youngest person you know: Jordan :)

8. Who makes the best dinner: My Mum!

9. Who needs to chill: Viv :(



1. What do you hope will happen next week: Petrol will get cheaper!

2. What would you name a newborn puppy: Ben

3. What relaxes you: Quiet

4. What is the most difficult decision you had to make: Im not sure

6. What's your style: Casual

7. What is your number one priority: Chris & the rest of my family

8. What is the worst movie you've ever seen: 8 Mile

9. What do you want for Christmas: I cant decide!



1. When is it a good time to be truthful: When you have no other choice (lol) Nah all the time if its safe to do so.

2. When was your last break-up: Umm I cant remember!

3. When do you take time for yourself: Most nights when chris is working.

4. When is the next time you'll see your best friend: When I see her.

5. When will world hunger end: I would like to say tomorrow, but I doubt i'll see the day :(

6. When was your last bad hair day: Yesterday.

7. When do you usually take a shower: Night and Morning

8. When are you going to go on your next date: HA! I need to tell this question to Chris!

9. When will emo kids grow up: Whenever the hell they want to.. Leave them alone!

10. When did you first learn about sex: hehe I was about 10 watching my best friends dads porno!



1. Why do you feel the way you do right now: Because right now I feel this way....

2.Why are teenagers becoming more apathetic: Are they?

3. Why did you say the meanest thing you've ever said: Because I'm an evil homosexual of course :pissed:

4. Why can't perfection exist: Who says it cant?

5. Why is gay marriage illegal: Because people are scared of change. And the bigots are allowed to scream the loudest.

6. Why, in your opinion, are some countries more privileged than others: Because the wont share.

7. Why is your father the way he is: Becuase he's my hero.

8. Why do bad things feel so good: Cause its naughty! And Naughtys always fun till you get caught!

9. Why would you hurt someone, if you ever did: To protect my family.

10. Why did you go online today: To check on Viv



Q. First thing you did this morning?: lol scratched...

Q. The last thing you ate?: A tiny square of chocolate.

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: Well its like just over 6 but chris' bday

Q. What's annoying you right now?: I'm hungry, but not enough to eat!

Q. What's the last movie you saw?: Zero day

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: Yes, If it works for you then great

Q Where is the last place you went?: The bank.

Q: Who is the last person you called?: Work

Q: Been cheated on?: Not that I know of.

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: Yes Im pretty sure..

Q: Do you wish on stars?: No

Q: Did it work?: See above lol

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: Well my boots I have to! But my shoes are slip on!

Q: When did you last cry?: Last night

Q: Do you like your handwriting?: No

Q: Are you a friendly person?: Depends if Im PMSing

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?: No

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?: Ours

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: Im not lol

Q: Do you have any pets?: No

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?: Green

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?: Reading

Q: Last person you talked to: Fiona

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?: Last Week... I played mechanic! (I.e. he asked for spanners and I guessed the sizes lol)

Q: Look to your left: Cell Phone. House Phone, A glass and a pen

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?: Yes

Q: Song that makes you cry?: Cant think of one?

Q: Are you a normally happy person?: Yep :)



1. Smoked a cigarette: Yes

2. Smoked a cigar: Yes

3. Drank so much you threw up: Yes

4. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: Sure

5. Been arrested: Nope

6. Gone on a blind date: Nope

7. Skipped school: Yes

8. Seen someone die: Yes

9. Been to Canada: No

10. Been to Mexico: No

11. Been on a plane: Yes

12. Been lost: Yes lol

13. Been on the opposite side of the country: Yes

14. Swam in the ocean: Yes

15. Felt like dying: A long time ago yes

17. Played cops and robbers: Yes

18. Recently colored with crayons: No

19. Sang karaoke: Yes - badly

20. Paid for a meal with only coins: Yes

21. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: No

22. Made prank phone calls: Yes

23. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: Yes

24. Caught a snowflake on your tongue: Yes

26. Written a letter to Santa Clause: Yes

27. Been kissed under the mistletoe: Yes

29. Blown bubbles: Yes

30. Made a bonfire on the beach: Yes

31. Crashed a party: Yes

32. Gone roller-skating: No


Personal questions to know you better:


1. Nicknames? Dave - Davey


2. Mother's name? Linda


3. What is your favorite drink? Vodka


4. Tattoos? Not yet


5. Body piercing? Used to


6. How much do you love your job? A lot! Its fun and Im the boss!


7. Birthplace: Inverness


8. Favorite vacation spot? Melbourne or LA


9. Ever been to Africa? No


10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes lol


11. Ever been on TV? No


12. Ever stole any traffic signs? Hell Yeah!


13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes


14. Was it your fault? Yes


15. 2 doors or 4? 5 lol


16. Favorite salad dressing? Exotic fruits


17. Favorite pie? Lemon


18. Favorite number? 56936574


20. Favorite holiday? Xmas and Hogmanay


21. Favorite dessert? Ice cream


22. Favorite food? Tomato and Parmesan flat bread, cause damn thats good!


23. Favorite day of the week? Sunday


24. Favorite brand of body soap? I use carex and shower gel *shrug*


25. Favorite TV show? Grey's


26. Favorite Toothpaste? Colegate


27. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? No Idea


28. What do you do when you are bored? Annoy Chris :P


There ya go :D

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1. are you missing someone right now?: Yes, Daniel <3

2. are you happy? right now? Yes

3. are you talking to anyone right now?: Yes, Viv and Maxime

4. are you bored?: No

5. are you German?: No

6 are you Irish?: Yes

7. are you French?: Yes

8. are you Italian?: No

9. are your parents still married?: Yes

10. do you like someone right now?: Yes, many people :P



1. store: D-Tox

2. flowers: Sunflowers

3. color: Light blue

4. sport: Volley-ball

5. mall: Les Galeries de la Capitale

6. movie: C.R.A.Z.Y.

8. season: Summer

9. animal: Horses

10. state: hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... New York?


1. hometown: Shawinigan

2. hair color: Dark brown

3. Birthday: July 19, 1989

4. hair style: can't describe (my albums)

5. eye color: Grey/Light blue

6. best friend: Rapha

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1. are you missing someone right now?: Yes

2. are you happy? right now? yes and yes

3. are you talking to anyone right now?: no

4. are you bored?: Not right now

5. are you German?: yes, born there, but not a citizen

6 are you Irish?: some in the family tree

7. are you French?: no

8. are you Italian?: no

9. are your parents still married?: Mom just passed in Feb. but to Dad, they are still married in spirit

10. do you like someone right now?: Yes



1. store: Future Shop

2. flowers: Azalies

3. color: Blue

4. sport: Luv playing Ice Hockey!!

5. mall: West Edmonton Mall

6. movie: Still have to go with Ferris Buhler's Day Off

8. season: Winter. Hockey, hockey, hockey!

9. animal: Medium sized dogs

10. state: I'd say Texas, but California may take it out



1. hometown: Lethbridge, AB

2. hair color: Blond

3. Birthday: September 24, 68

4. hair style: Short, not really in any style

5. eye color: Blue

6. best friend: Al

7. mood: Intense at work, Laid back anywhere else

8. skin color: White

9. available: Yes, hopefully not for long

10. left/right-handed: Right



1. have you ever been in love?: Yes

2. do you believe in love: Yes

3. why did your last relationship fail: We both fell too hard and too fast for each others

4. have you ever been heartbroken: Yes

5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: Yes I think

6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends: No

7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Yes

8. are you afraid of commitment: I was, but I'm ready now

9. has someone ever kissed your hand: Yes

10. have you ever had a secret admirer: Yes, then had to clue her in :wub:



1. love or trust: Both

2. hard liquor or beer: Both, depending on the mood

3. night or day: Night

4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships

5. television or internet: Both

6. pepsi or coke?: Diet Coke

7. wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in

8. chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

9. phone or in person: In person

10. Love or Lust: Love



1. have you ever been caught sneaking out?: Yep

2. have you ever skinny dipped: Yep

3. have you ever done something you regret: Yep

4. have you ever sky dived: No

5. have you ever been on a house boat: No

6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: No, believe it or not, never had one

7. have you ever liked someone so badly it hurt?: Yep

9. have you ever danced in the rain?: No

10. have you ever had a hang over?: Yep



1. Who was the last person you laughed with? Rick

2. Who can cheer you up instantly?:Anyone with a smile

3. Who do you think will make you smile tomorrow: All those happy, smiley people out there

4. Who is making the world a more terrible place to live in: Close minded people

5. Who dominates the family: My lil' Sis

6. Who is like a brother/sister to you: Al

7. Who is the youngest person you know: Lil' sis is due in the next few days

9. Who needs to chill: My older sis



1. What do you hope will happen next week: I will win the Lotto

2. What would you name a newborn puppy: Strange question, but Taylor is coming to mind

3. What relaxes you: Excercise

4. What is the most difficult decision you had to make: Telling the whole truth to Mom

6. What's your style: Relaxed

7. What is your number one priority: I'd hate to admit, but work at the moment

8. What is the worst movie you've ever seen: Attack of The Killer Tomatoes

9. What do you want for Christmas: World peace



1. When is it a good time to be truthful: Always

2. When was your last break-up: A couple of years ago

3. When do you take time for yourself: On my days off

4. When is the next time you'll see your best friend: Next Wednesday

5. When will world hunger end: When we stop putting so much value in money

6. When was your last bad hair day: yesterday

7. When do you usually take a shower: Morning

8. When are you going to go on your next date: Hopefully next weekend

9. When will emo kids grow up: ??

10. When did you first learn about sex: Seven, I was young



1. Why do you feel the way you do right now: Cause I'm me

2.Why are teenagers becoming more apathetic: Cause our parents gave us everything they didn't have, now we're doing it twofold

3. Why did you say the meanest thing you've ever said: Ugh, I'll admit I said one racial slur when I was eleven

4. Why can't perfection exist: Cause we can't get our reflection out of the mirror

5. Why is gay marriage illegal: Yeah Canada :great:

6. Why, in your opinion, are some countries more privileged than others: Cause we put so much value in the dollar

7. Why is your father the way he is: Stubborness from his dad, then traveled the world and came up with Sterotypes

8. Why do bad things feel so good: Cause it is nice to know you don't always have to be in control

9. Why would you hurt someone, Really don't know if I would

10. Why did you go online today: To see if my favourite writers posted today: Viv, Shadowgod, C. James, Jack Frost



Q. First thing you did this morning?: Took a shower

Q. The last thing you ate?: BBQ'd Cheesburger

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: Mother's Day and my sister's baby

Q. What's annoying you right now?: The evening news

Q. What's the last movie you saw?: Wild Hogs

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: Not really

Q Where is the last place you went?: Went to Waterton National Park today.

Q: Who is the last person you called?: Rick

Q: Been cheated on?: Unfortunately yes

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: probably not

Q: Do you wish on stars?: Yep

Q: Did it work?: No, but I wish pretty extravagant

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: Yes

Q: When did you last cry?: Driving today listening to a song that Mom luved: 100 Years by Five for Fighting

Q: Do you like your handwriting?: Printing yes, Writing No

Q: Are you a friendly person?: Mostly

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?: Not anymore

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?: Mine

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: Light Blue

Q: Do you have any pets?: No

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?: Green

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?: ***Censored***

Q: Last person you talked to: My Dad

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?: At mom's funeral, but going out to see him next week

Q: Look to your left: Damn, my desktop computer, explain why I have my laptop 4 feet away

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?: No

Q: Song that makes you cry?: Five for Fighting, 100 Years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpuYpqRfyuU

Q: Are you a normally happy person?: Yes



1. Smoked a cigarette: yes

2. Smoked a cigar: yes

3. Drank so much you threw up: yes

4. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: Yes

5. Been arrested: No

6. Gone on a blind date: No

7. Skipped school: Yes

8. Seen someone die: yes

9. Been to Canada: Um, i guess yes :2thumbs:

10. Been to Mexico: No

11. Been on a plane: Yes

12. Been lost: Yes

13. Been on the opposite side of the country: No

14. Swam in the ocean: Yes

15. Felt like dying: yes

17. Played cops and robbers: Yes

18. Recently colored with crayons: Yes

19. Sang karaoke: yes

20. Paid for a meal with only coins: Yes

21. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: Yes

22. Made prank phone calls: Yes

23. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: yes

24. Caught a snowflake on your tongue: Yes

26. Written a letter to Santa Clause: Yes

27. Been kissed under the mistletoe: No

29. Blown bubbles: Yes

30. Made a bonfire on the beach: Yes

31. Crashed a party: No

32. Gone roller-skating: yes


Personal questions to know you better:


1. Nicknames? Steveo, Wildman, Wildcat


2. Mother's name? Vicki


3. What is your favorite drink? Diet Coke with Lime


4. Tattoos? No


5. Body piercing? No


6. How much do you love your job? Not a good question right now, as I'm extremely frustrated with work right now


7. Birthplace: Isherlone, (West)Germany


8. Favorite vacation spot? Disneyland, Damn it is good to be a kid again!! Hopefully be back in November!


9. Ever been to Africa? No


10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? I'm sure


11. Ever been on TV? Yes, quite a few times


12. Ever stole any traffic signs? Personally No, but been with someone who did, I'm innocent


13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes


14. Was it your fault? One no, the other one I still disagree with the cops' interpretation


15. 2 doors or 4? 2 on the truck, and 4 on the car


16. Favorite salad dressing? Blue cheese


17. Favorite pie? Homemade Cherry


18. Favorite number? 9, for some reason


20. Favorite holiday? Canada Day, July 1st, usually up at the lake


21. Favorite dessert? Chocolate Banana Brownie Ice Cream


22. Favorite food? Seafood, just don't get the fresh stuff out here on the prairie


23. Favorite day of the week? Any day off from work


24. Favorite brand of body soap? Ivory


25. Favorite TV show? NCIS


26. Favorite Toothpaste? Crest


27. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully in a long term relationship


28. What do you do when you are bored? Do Something, Anything



Well I don't usually do these, but I was bored (see question 28 above) :2thumbs:

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