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I added a few friends to my blog today...Camy because he's a cheeky Pom, Jack Scribe because he bends over backwards (note, not forwards) to be of assistance to newbies, and ... well, I shouldn't mention his name just yet cuz he needs to approve my listing him as a friend. He's picky like that. I've been somewhat involved in other blog sites where EVERYBODY wants to be your friend, not because they like you, oh, no, but because of something they call NETWORKING. Ugh! How ikky and heartless! Not for me, thank you very much. Nobody gets to cuddle me without showering first...and using lots of deodorant. Shallow friends I can live without...had way too many of those in the past as it is. "You only want me because I make awesome pancakes with lemon cheese!" "No! That's not true!" "Yeah, right." :-P


In my younger days (and there's no shortage of those) I took life very seriously. Now I realize that life is only a brief visit...that there are billions of extinguished lives that we'll never know about. So, I figure that life should be taken with a (rather large) grain of salt, and that one should endeavor to make one's visit as pleasant as possible FOR OTHERS. Humor to me is numero uno...it smooths the bumps. Equally important is using whatever talent one possesses to leave a mark, evidence of one's having existed and evidence of one's having made a worthwhile contribution. Ooer! That sounds a bit serious! Sorry.


I have a young mind...some might say flippant and even juvenile. Well, bugger them...that's their problem. There are no methods (currently) to keep the bod young BUT there are ways to keep the mind young. Yes, dear Breth, if you don't see the curtains fluttering you know the window is shut.


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I'm of the opinion that we reach a plateau of maturity around thirty, and like those wonderful bell-curves I'm sure you can picture from statistics, it's all downhill again from there. Case and point, my grandfather enjoyed throwing an old broken pair of dentures at the fridge when strangers were visiting, or into their glass at dinner...just to see what they'd do.


Be wary of Camy. If you leave any smelly cheese lying about, he's sure to steal it. Please refer to the 'Betsy, my Brie', incident.


Oh, the small things.


Welcome to GA!




Cheeky, am I? Hmm, well ... possibly. I have four of them. As to curtains and windows, I'm rather confused - I have blinds.


Please excuse Dio's memory. It was 'Susan, my Stilton'.


Camy B)



I'm of the opinion that we reach a plateau of maturity around thirty, and like those wonderful bell-curves I'm sure you can picture from statistics, it's all downhill again from there. Case and point, my grandfather enjoyed throwing an old broken pair of dentures at the fridge when strangers were visiting, or into their glass at dinner...just to see what they'd do.


Be wary of Camy. If you leave any smelly cheese lying about, he's sure to steal it. Please refer to the 'Betsy, my Brie', incident.


Oh, the small things.


Welcome to GA!



Thanks for the smelly cheese tip...it's a habit of mine. But, what I wanna know is this: how can a bloke of 20 talk about maturation plateaus when he's still a rosy-cheeked lad?



That said, it was just a theory a friend and I came up with on a long car ride that we both found amusing and surprisingly accurate in our immediate families. I was randomly browsing through blogs and stumbled across your post, and it reminded me of that conversation. I do so very humbly apologize if I overstepped my bounds.


-db- :sheep:


My comment was not intended to be critical and I'm surprised you took it that way. I'll need to be more careful of how I pose simple questions in future.

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