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Naughty Doctor

I'm home for the weekend. Two straight days, two meals at my favorite Mexican restaurant.


Thursday, I figured it was time to post another chapter of The Pastel Cowboy, but when I read through Chapter 10 I realized I couldn't post it without some serious editing. In the Nifty version, there is a graphic description of a sex act between a young patient and his doctor. As far as I'm concerned, this one definitely crossed the line and couldn't show up in GA as written. (Yes, even I have some degree of propriety.)


So, that bit is now written as a hallucination that implies a sex act that probably didn't occur, although something does happen.


The Kevin Project is sort of moving forward. I haven't written anything today or yesterday. I'm beginning to think I might write Kevin's pieces as a continuous narrative to maintain some degree of character integrity through to the end. When I'm done, I'll break it apart and insert the other characters' pieces. I definitely do not want this project to end up with some sort of block attached to it. I like Kevin. He's a good kid who deserves to have his story told.


Also, I need to get work on the winter anthology story. There's not a lot of time left.


Also, I going to try to go back to my former employer. I'm not getting enough miles with the new company. They're paying me more per mile, but I'm not getting comparable mileage to make more money. Three and a half days to drive 980 miles is ridiculous. Three days to do 300 miles is even stupider (dumber?) (idiotic?).


I thought the grass was greener on the other side of the street. Well, in a way it is greener, it just doesn't taste better.



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