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A Trend-Setting Puppy

I found this old thread on the site. I couldn't resist turning it into a short-short story for the amusement of all. Keep in mind the fact that this is satire. If you do not have a sense of humor, do not read this! :lol:


Once upon a time, there was a mad scientist named Snow Dog. Snow Dog, being a naughty puppy, decided to reach new heights as one of the first members of gayauthors.org to join the millennium club. With pride he created a thread to mark his great achievement. In the process, four members, three of whom would soon be important, decided that the millennium club was their new mission in life. Their names shall forever live in infamy. They are C James (the most prolific postaholic of all time), JSmith (the cutest admin and tech support genius), rknapp (another cute member), and the A Friendly Face (one of our wonderful moderators). With perseverance, the four members sought membership in the millennium club. Three of the four soon joined the bi-millennium club. Two of the decided to reach new heights and soon became the two most prolific members of all time.


Soon more monsters of prolific posting emerged. Graeme (the wondrous echinda from down under), ever wanting to be prolific soon joined them as a prolific poster in his own right. With stars in his eyes, young and impressionable BeaStKid soon joined the ranks and became one of the most prolific members of all time. He was soon joined by Benji, an all around nice guy. Soon a new author called Tiger sought to no longer be a newbie. As his post count increased, he wanted new titles until he could one day have a title of his own. His friend, Sacha, made the same decision and the two soon reached 500 posts. With great eagerness, Tiger sought the millennium club, a club his friend would join several days later. The Tiger shall now and forever remember how Snowy inspired him and so many others to join the millennium club and surpass him with their dreams of prolific posting.


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This is great!



They are C James (the most prolific postaholic of all time), JSmith (the cutest admin and tech support genius), rknapp (another cute member), and the A Friendly Face (one of our wonderful moderators).

Well, for all I know, A Friendly Face (aka Kevin, Kevvers and God knows what else) is very cute too. As for CJ, I'd bet that anyone into goats would find him quite attractive... Sadly enough, I didn't belong to the foreign legion.



I'm sure Kevvers is cute, but I have not seen an actual pic of him. As for the goat, I am not into the animal lovin' thing. Thanks for stopping by. I made this entry just for fun. I like to do stuff that's off-beat and humorous. :)

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