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Maid of Honor, ebay, hell.

I really kind of regret not going away to college, or at the very least moving out of this house.


I graduated from High School this month. I graduated with honors. My report card came in the mail today. My parents have been bitching at me all night about it. Damn! I graduated with honors! Yes, my grades were not as good as they have been, but I had honors! Isn't that good enough for them? No! Nothing is ever good enough for them! Whatever...


I need to start saving lots of money, because I NEED to get out of this house!


My aunt said I could live with her... My parents would be pissed. I love my aunt, but I really do not want to live with her. Atleast I know that if things get really bad with my rents that I do have a place to live.


I am going to be an aunt! LOL. My best friends just found out that they are having a daughter! They are due in october, and I am so excited. The name that they have picked out as of now is Page! I am so excited! And... I guess I am going to be an uncle... :D


Do you think that it would be weird to have a guy as a "Maid" of Honor? My best friends, the ones that are having the baby, are getting married in 2010. I am her best friend, and we have been talking about me being the "Maid" of Honor. They are a little unsure about it... I am too... it would be a little weird... but I would be honored to do it. But... I dunno. What do you guys think?


I bought a Flat Screen LCD monitor off of ebay today for 10 bucks... They say it is in good condition and works fine... I hope so.


Peaace out!


Kurt :D


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I'll never totally understand parents. I could get an A on a report and they'd wanna know why I didn't get an A+. Go figure. I wish you good luck in dealing with the situation. At least you have some options.


While the maid of honor is traditionally female, traditions are changing all the time. If your friends are OK with it, and you are too, then I say go for it. Maybe traditional terminology could be modified a bit so that there's a Best Man and a Man of Honor? How would you feel about it if you were the Man of Honor?


How large is the monitor, who makes it, and how old is it? Was there a photo of it on Ebay? What kind of rating does the seller have? I've seen deal like this turn out fine and have also seen them turn out bad. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a good deal.





I was going to suggest "Man of Honor" too.


After all if it's an older, married lady they call it a "matron" of Honor. I don't see why they can't modify it still further for a gay best friend!

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