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Egotistical Snobs and Power Hungry Losers

Don't those two types of people just annoy the f**k out of you? I'm just so tired of coming across those people. Sure, everyone is a bit snobby in their own way. But there's a difference between actually meaning it or half-meaning it and joking about it in a funny, endearing way. When someone is a snob, and a serious one at that, I just want to punch them! Hardcore! Yes, I have anger issues. I have a punching bag to remedy that. I refused my mom's offer of anger management or some new program called Anger Resolution. Resoultion, my ass!


Nevertheless, snobs are such a turnoff. They may have the goods to back up all their talk, but it's still a turnoff. It makes me want to roll my eyes at whatever they say or the things they suggest, most likely because they believe their words are holy. Then they go insulting other people because they think they're better. Which again, it all stems to opinion and personal taste. A little humility would never hurt anyone and there are always politics everywhere. Life is a popularity contest and not everything is fair and based on talent.


Power Hungry losers really, really irk me. Just like snobs, they're everywhere, in the work office kssing the boss's ass, or in school, being the teacher's pet. But the most annoying aspect of a 'power hungry loser' is that they think they're so damn important when in reality they're not. Some like to talk and talk about their important responsiblities. I'm like thinking, what responsiblities? They have a "title." Big stinking deal! That's about all they have. Nothing else. There is no real work involved. Oh, sometimes they create drama, so they have some work to do. So they can show their power above everyone else. They're the ones that make mountains out of molehills and target someone when there is no issue to begin with. And guess what? Someone else has to come in and clean up the mess. Now tell me, if the 'power hungry loser' was so damn great, why couldn't they fix it without outside help?


Blow a poison dart...btw, random, but has anyone ever seen The Office? One of the workers hid weaponry all around the office and I was cracking up when I saw that. There was a poison blow dart I think. :lol: I need to buy some weaponry and become the ninja I'm aspiring to become. :ph34r:


Ok, that was a huge rant and has been annoying me for quite some time, so I just had to say it. :P


Also, last night I missed Michael Phelps swim against Serbia and I read that it was sooo close! So close that everyone thought Phelps lost!

I love Phelps. I am so getting my a** to London (?) in 2012 to watch him. Anyway, how did I miss such an amazing race?


Oh yeah, talking to Mike on chat. Grrrr. :wub:


I have a friend stalking me to hang out. I was honest with her about why I didn't want to go out with her, but even with blatant honesty, some people can't take a hint...or the truth.


I'm craving cake. I was going to bake some, but then I'd have massive leftovers since my sister, my cake-eating partner left me and moved to California. So I'm contemplating buying a slice or two. Hmmm....


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Aww. I hope those snobs walk right into a wall or something and realize that they are normal just like the rest of us. :P I need to come to chat more often I miss talking to all you people.. lol.



Tiff, I agree. I can't stand snobby people. I can't think of any group I despise more than snobs other than pedophiles and serial killers.

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