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Weekend Fun

My weekend was nice.


Thursday night, I decided to hit up Skid Row to shoot the breeze

with some of my buddies. One let me take a shot of Absolut vodka, which

was nice. I walked over to my best buddy Steve's dorm, where he is an

RA. Along with his residents, we sat around and talked about life and

took shots of cheapo Smirnoff vodka. He gave me a Negro beer to chase,

which made me think of Adam's advertisments for Negro Modelo in

Cross-Currents and Brushfire. I had about four shots of vodka in total,

along with two beers. If this had been spread out over a course of at

least three hours, I would have been fine, but because I did this within

an hour-and-a-half time frame, I was very, very, very drunk. Hanging out

with my friend Steve and James in Jame's dorm, I apparently put on

someone's hat that I called a "Castro hat", and went on a spiel about

communism. LOL. Allegedly, I also fell asleep mid-sentence while talking

to someone, and fell flat on my back while trying to walk in the

hallway. Laughs were had all around. Later I went back to Steve's room,

and passed out on his floor for about three hours.


Friday, I went to an outdoor concert called Bennyfest, held at a

house on- you guessed it- Benny Street. They had bands playing, with a

pretty sound system considering it was just one house. The fest wasn't

big, but it was nice and lively. The cops were tipped off, so they

weren't allowed to sell jello shots as planned, so I didn't really drink

there because I didn't feel like it while still nursing my hangover from

Thursday. They had a slip-n-slide set up in the backyard. The object was

to play a game called "slip cup", which was supposed to be a hybrid game

combining a slip-n-slide and the game flip-cup. We played it a little,

but in the end, the mud created by the constantly running garden hose

was too tempting. Myself, along with what grew to be about 15 or so

people, decided to roll around and play in the mud. We had mud fights,

and mud wrestling, and generally got covered head to toe in mud. I

mudwrestled three times with two different guys- losing once, winning

twice. It was freeing experience- walking around covered in mud and not

caring what people thought. And a cute shirtless college guy in mud? Can

be damn nice to look at. Especially when you turn the hose on them to

get the mud off. It was quite possibly one of the happiest moments in my

life- slinging mud around and rolling in mud while on a beautiful late

spring day, as sweet tunes drifted across the air in a celebration of

our end-of-school-year.


Saturday, I wound up a frat party to hang out with my friends Ian

and James. It was fun- I saw a lot of my freshmen friends there. I

showed someone how to properly work a keg so as to minimalize foam- it

felt great to impart some wisdom on the younger generation. And with

this girl Juls, who was from Ian and Jame's dorm, I decided to throw

down and work this stripper pole that had been set up in the basement.

Dancing seductively around the pole with Juls, I felt very sexually

freed. Afterwards, I watched as Ian and James lost their beer pong game.

Knowing that there weren't anymore parties to go to, we walked over to

Little Caesars to fufill our late-night alcohol-induced munchies. They

wanted to stay outside and eat, but I decided to get back to Steve's

dorm, because he was going to pay me back for a pizza that I bought for

him. I wound up taking the bus, where hungry college kids tried to tempt

me into giving up free pizza. I resisted, though one cute freshman boy

bought a slice off of me for a dollar. I got back to Steve's residence

hall, and hung out with him and a few of his residents until five a.m.

in the morning. Nothing majorly significant happened, although we did

tease James about this guy Eric- who we are POSITIVE is a closetcase,

and we're also positive has a total crush on him.


Sunday, I did some studying. Then took off to Deer Park for a

nightcap of double vodka cranberry. You should try them, guys...they're

good. Then hung out some more with my friends at their dorm. My little

shitstirrer side came out, as Eric actually hung out with us that night,

and I keep making these little innuendos about Eric and James that

increasing pissed James off, LOL. We also made plans for the summer, as

a few of the guys are going to be around here this summer. Should be



And then Monday, we had a casual barbeque at my sister's house

in the boonies. It was fun- we celebrated my oldest sister's 32nd

birthday, and all four of us siblings were able to catch up a little on

our lives.


And that was my weekend. I liked it, a lot.



This week? Finals. Did my first, got another one on Thursday, and it's goodbye junior year!

1 Comment

Recommended Comments

Mark Arbour


"Let" you do a shot of vodka? Wow. My friends "make" me do them.


Sounds like a great weekend Jeremy. Almost perfect. Except for the part where you didn't get laid.


Again. :D

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