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End of one, begining of another

After much thought and soul searching, I find myself no longer wanting to write. It's like all my creative jucies just rolled up and died on the operating room table. Though that's not to say that I'm not intrested in the whole process of writing. A lot of my passion I found is wrapped up in Beta reading and helping an author figure something out, you know make them think things out when they get stuck, or explain something that a reader might question, to me THAT'S where my passion lies.


What brought this all about? Well, Big Valley did. It was a story idea that I had and for the past week or so, I've been attempting to write it, but to no progress. What I found though was taht I like coming up with the idea, and working out different scenarios with it, and making them come out. Or, to put simply, I liked coming up with the idea and thinking it though, but it just didn't translate from the brain to paper.


So yea. I'm not an author, but I guess someone who can help an author.






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Everyone goes through a creative slump from time to time. Don't throw in the towel.


I was in the same place before I came up with the idea for Twilight.


Have some fun, get your head in a different place and give it a go when you are recharged.


Writing takes a special sort of madness. The greats like Hemingway did their best work drunk as a skunk. Many of the great writers of the sixties and seventies were stoned immaculate.


I suggest a saner approach. Get laid, have a few drinks, have some fun and stay away from butt sniffing dogs. :lmao:








Everyone goes through a creative slump from time to time. Don't throw in the towel.


I was in the same place before I came up with the idea for Twilight.


Have some fun, get your head in a different place and give it a go when you are recharged.


Writing takes a special sort of madness. The greats like Hemingway did their best work drunk as a skunk. Many of the great writers of the sixties and seventies were stoned immaculate.


I suggest a saner approach. Get laid, have a few drinks, have some fun and stay away from butt sniffing dogs. lmaosmiley.gif





Thanks James, but it just hasn't been a few weeks that this has happened, it's been quite awhile now. I'll start on a writing project and blamo, creative juices gone. So I weighed my options and found that they never seem to go away when I'm talking to an author about a story, and that I sometimes make them rethink a certain situation that they wrote. I also have a knack for remembering things from the very begining of a story and remind the author about it.


I rahter put my energy into that and enjoy it, and occassionally write when I get the urge, but when it comes to discussing things about a story, I love it.


Eric :)

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