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Mark Arbour


I was walking through the halls today and this guy was standing there talking to another guy. He was ordinary looking; I hadn't really noticed him. But when I got close enough to hear him, his voice just drew me in. It was so deep, really really deep, with a melodic quality to it. Suddenly this ordinary guy was transformed, in my mind, into an adonis just because of that.


That made me think about guys and their voices. There are guys with nasally voices. Some of them are cool, in a surfer kind of way. The hottest ones seem attached to young guys. Then there are the guys with raspy, masculine voices. Like guys who have smoked all their lives. That can be hot too, if it's attached to a Marlboro man. Some guys have really soft voices, like they don't want to put out too much volume and draw attention to themselves. Those shy ones, with their cute little smiles....deadly. Some have high-pitched voices, and those are the ones I have the hardest time getting into. At it's worst, I think of a effeminate lisp attached to a bitchy guy. At it's best, I see a guy who is a kind of coquettish. A guy designed to be a total bottom.


But none of those voices came close to this guy. Wow.


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My voice surprises anyone who has never met me. It's on the deep side, not light and feminine like most would think.



I have a thing about voices as well. Sometimes it's hard for me to figure out if I like a guy partly because of his voice or like his voice because I like. Regardless, sometimes I get a woody because of a voice. :*)



I understand this topic...there were guys in my High School who's voices were extremely deep...fortunately for me, one of my secret crushes was in that rare bunch. Unfortunately, we never hooked up, I think he may have been straight, although I've only seen him once since HS, while he was applying for a job where I worked at the time. The other guy I was attracted to was a freshman, but his voice hadn't changed yet...so it was a bit on the high half of midrange.



Oh god I love voices. I love accents too.



Those shy ones, with their cute little smiles....deadly.


That sounds like me :P.


Im not given to be loud and brash vocally.



I flipping love the Texas accent. It's so hot.





It's funny you should mention that, Mark. I was just saying to someone the other day that I thought the sexiest thing about a guy is (often 0:) ) his voice.


I'm actually not really that attracted to extremely deep voices though. I sort of like a guy with a pleasant tenor quality. I like a voice that is easily recognizable as male, but not overly butch. Then again, I like guys like that too :P:boy:



Bit late, but whatever.


I had not thought about voices as a turn on before I heard Josh Turner sing. He's already an extremely good looking man, but damn his voice is hot. I feel it's because we live in a world of nasally tenors that the baritones and bass stand out.

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