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It's an amazing thing really, how things can change over time. Just last week, me and my mom were getting along really well, joking about things and acting like there wasn't a problem in the world. I even switched my hours for work this week and cancelled some plans I made with friends so that I could spend some extra time with her yesterday (it was also her birthday).

Today I spent the better part of the day doing school work (labs, reading, exercises, etc.) that I needed to do and came home and started cleaning the kitchen and other various places. That's when mom came in, ripping through the house like a bat on fire. She was yelling at me that I don't do nearly enough around the house (cleaning wise) and that she expects to come home to a clean house when she's done working. She also tells me that since I'm living at home rent free, I should be expected to do things without being told.

I brought up calmly the fact that I did clean the kitchen and vaccum the house but that I was busy doing other things as well. When she asked me what I did I told her that I was doing school work and other things, which didn't seem to click. I explained to her that the reason why I'm excelling isn't because I got a talent for computers, but that I spend most, if not all, of my free time studying.


That said, I went to my room and grabbed my bag and proceeded to leave, not because I was pissed at her, but because I made plans earlier that day to spend with Matt. She got pissy with me when I told her where I was going, and that I was spending the night, accusing me of just running away from my problems. At that point I had it. I turned right back around and told her that just because I was leaving the house doesn't mean I'm running away from my problems. I'm leaving without settling because if I stuck around, my temper would get the better of me and we'd end up screaming at each other and going down hill. I made the final verbal jab telling her that I'm going to be the bigger person in this case and leave, preventing myself from looking like a fool.

That must've made a point or two because she immediate shut up and I just left.

Now that I got that off my chest (and feeling better for it :P ) time to talk about what else is going on. I recently got hired to work with mentally disabled people in various group homes across the area I live in. I'd talk more about it, but there's various confidential items that I can't discuss about it. Needless to say, I'm working as a substitute so my hours and times I work vary. I'm really looking forward to this because it's not only a change of scenery, but I also get to work with people and learn from them, while teaching them.

Things with Matt are going well, and we're connecting more and more each day, and I fall for him more and more each second I see him (Gushy I know :P )

Well, my train's coming so I gotta run before I loose my WiFi signal.




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Mothers are tricky beings... we're all unpredictable and slightly unhinged... must be from having children :P


It's great to hear that matters are looking up for you and that things are going well between you and Matt, and that you are enjoying and excelling on your course. Keep up the good work.



The thought comes to mind that perhaps your Mom is going thru the change of life which all women go thru. Rapid mood swings are one often symptom. Perhaps she could see her physician to be sure there aren't any medical conditions contributing to those mood swings and if there are, she could get some help.

At the same time, be honest with yourself and be sure you are not being confrontational with her. Maybe doing something nice and unexpected for her occasionally (perhaps including Matt) would help.

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