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GA Makes Me a Better Writer. How about you?


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I’m in the midst of publishing my first story on this platform. I wanted to share how GA has encouraged/forced/required me to be a better writer.

My story was 100% complete before I began the process of publishing it here, chapter by chapter. I’ve discovered a few things.

1. Previously, I thought of myself as a pretty good writer. That being said, I only had nifty and a couple of other sites to use for comparison. After hanging out on GA consistently, I’ve found that I’m in the company of many VERY good writers, lots of whom leave me behind in the dust. Their story telling ability, compelling and unique narratives, and realistic dialogue are truly impressive. 

2. GA’s standards have made me look at my work with a more discerning eye. Early on, I was called out by a moderator for inserting too much sexual activity and not enough character and story in my work. The moderator was 100% correct. Although my work is still infused with a lot of sex, I’m much more careful about fleshing out the important story leading into and out of each one of these encounters. Overall, the story just makes more sense now. I’ll continue to rewrite future chapters to insure these standards are met.

3. I’d like to call out the numerous active readers of my work and other works on this site for making comments, recommendations, and giving reactions. They truly help and encourage me.

Anybody else? What has your experience been like on this site?

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A long, long time ago in a far-off land... no, it was only a decade ago in fact, I asked the question in this The Lounge: Does writing reviews make you a better person? I felt then, (I still do) that this question was a justifiable one -- it certainly garnered a lot of comments at the time.

Your question is a different one and far easier to answer. Yes! If you're an author interested in the nuts-n-bolts of writing, learning, and growing you will benefit from having a diverse membership and I dare say a discerning, often highly educated, audience of readers who are eager to be helpful to authors in one way or another. There are few authors here who have not benefited in some way from the things you have mentioned. So, I would say that you have answered your topic question by already providing the answers to your query in your post. Yes! Yes, to all of it.

Edited by Ron
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On 2/1/2024 at 5:32 PM, drown said:

Starting to post on GA was the most effective way to improve my writing, and it has only been a month. I always kinda wanted to believe that if I ever did it, people could be entertained. Now it turns out, they are.

But when I look back at Chapter One of the first story I posted end of December 2023, I shudder. But that's good. The story itself presents the journey I have on here. In the future, with a team behind me that could put me in my place, I probably would do things differently. Then again, for my first story, I wouldn't want to change a thing. What a wild ride.

I can't believe you've been a member since 2010 and only posted a story now.

I've been a lurker since 2009 [I had to edit this; I was in my second year of university, so it's probably around 2006 or 2007], when there was a frigging chatroom (which I, er, was an avid chatterer), and I only joined in back in 2017.

It only means your story has been in the works for almost 14 years, marinating in the background.

Edited by LJCC
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7 hours ago, LJCC said:

I can't believe you've been a member since 2010 and only posted a story now.

I've been a lurker since 2009 [I had to edit this; I was in my second year of university, so it's probably around 2006 or 2007], when there was a frigging chatroom (which I, er, was an avid chatterer), and I only joined in back in 2017.

It only means your story has been in the works for almost 14 years, marinating in the background.

Oh I remember that chatroom so well. Must have been a moderating nightmare though.

And yeah, my writing had been marinating in my head. But I always felt it was so utterly subpar that I never did anything with it. In a weird moment during the holiday season just over a month ago, I decided to just take the leap. I did some editing and published chapters one and two of a story I always thought was fun. Even over this short period of time, I have grown so much already. From a professional standpoint, I wouldn't recommend doing what I do. But to become better, to improve, and to engage in the community, this was the perfect start with my first story. Had I waited and gotten chapter 1–11 to this point, I would reread chapter one, decide it's too bad compared to later chapters, and ultimately decide not to publish yet again for another decade. I'm glad I didn't.

And it's far from over, I just wonder how different my second story is going to be.

Side note: No one had ever seen a single story I wrote before December 2023. Not even my ex. lol

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