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Who's got the license now?

I don't know how many of you I told, but a couple weeks ago I had the most minor fender bender possible :unsure::lol: - I pull up behind a lady at a stop light and I dint realize how close I was and I bumped her maybe going 5 mph and put a tiny scratch, thas it, on her fender...the lady was really pissed at first but she was really surprisingly nice to me by the cop had wasted half our night away. The f**kin cop gave me a $94 ticket for careless driving to be an asshole and another ticket that shouldnt have been in my name...good ol mom didnt have insurance on our (her's, my name on it) car, so they said that if we had insurance, we could just go get it taken care of, otherwise we had to be there in court and crap. So I miss about 2 and a half hours of school while they go through all the cases ahead of me....all the under the influence drivers, all the insufficiant funds check writers, all the robbery/breaking and entering....before they finally get to the traffic violations, mine first. We go up there and we were gonna try and give a sap story that I'm a good kid and all that 0:) , because I am, believe it or not, and my mom said she would do most of the talking. When we got up there, my mom asked her if she could speak and she said no, lol. She kind of just ignored the careless driving one till the end and skipped to the no insurance. We/I explained that I didnt know we didnt have insurance and that we wished that the no-insurance one be re-enstated in her name so it wouldnt ruin my record so early, because that clearly wasnt my fault... I admit the other was, but that other wasnt. The judge was really nice and lowered my fine to $50 and put the no insurance in her name, gave her a $100 fine and took her license away for 30 days. Ha! I love it! She used to never let me drive a whole lot but who's got the license now ma? AND, she had to go blab to my aunt and a few of her friends about my "accident" if you could even call it that, right after it happened, and they all said that MY license would probably be revoked! Lol, it was a better day than I thought it would be, yep :D .


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Coming Undone


Don't be mean to her.


You only get one mother and I know they call them that for a reason. :lmao:


I'm Coming


Happy Thanksgiving





Just goes to prove one thing...Moms are human too.....why not take it as a bonding experience in the next month and get to know Mom the person and not Mom the Mom..if that makes sense....


and hey, we all screw up...so give her a hug, tell her you love her and then sit down with her and help her get organized..teach her the magic Xander methods....some people just aren't organized or are forgetful or never learned how to be organized...you sound like you are....so share the wealth of the skills and knowledge you have. I bet it will also show your Mom that you are a responsible person, worthy of more responsibility (like more car time for yourself, an extension on a curfew, time with your friends, etc.....)


any how...Happy Thanksgiving....and remember, Moms need hugs too:)





and remember, Moms need hugs too:)
Mom? That you? What you doing on GA? lol....it seems like you've been talking to her or something, because since a year or so ago, partially with her associating/thinking about getting back together with her disgusting (long story) ex-husband and partially with her making me mad a lot and partially with her saying hurtful things about gayness being disgusting (not knowing that her own son is), I havent been to keen on affection and giving her hugs a lot, so youre sorta freakin me out there, lol.


Xander...aww..sorry..nope its not your Mom..


but geez, sounds like you need the HUGS....well, maybe you can work on educating Mom to become accepting and tolerant and not homophobic....I try to with my own family..its a tough job....so I can relate...


I lost my Mom to cancer when I was an infant..and didn't get hugs ever...My stepmother (I try to refrain from saying stepmonster..but she was/is..I am trying to let the toxins go) was never loving...and I have lots of homophobes in my family.


It sucks to be a teen trapped (I was so I can relate....) Just hang in there....you will be ok...


Maybe this is a chance to talk about your Mom's views (perhaps grounded in bad religion myths and ignorance)

and help educate her that we Gays bleed, love, breath and have the same goals and wishes as those other kind of people..you know the homophobes.....someone has to look after them and teach them that God Loves all her children...


Any way, I apologize for freaking you out....it wasn't my intention. My dumb sense of humor(?) can get me in too much trouble....sorry, again.


Happy Thanksgiving and hang in there:)



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