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6 days



22,000 plus words.


Chapter 1 off to the editor.


One week, and considering I haven't written practically anything except bits and pieces and uncompleted works, I think it's an accomplishment.


And, it's stayed light as any fairy tale should.


Though there is a bit of offal and blood, but that's just the way I do things.


Thinking of doing a dragon story next, course it won't be your usual dragon story. I see the knight as a bit of a dandy. Probably the gold embellishments on his shiny armor or is it the pink plume on his helm. I see him seeking an as yet undiscovered dragon, something legend hasn't quite caught up with yet, but he's certain it'll be hiding in its lair when he finally finds it. So, yes, the knight is a bit of a odd sort with obscure ideas about how dragons live. He's mostly looking for plunder, not that he actually knows what that is.


Or, in his very words: "Well, you see, it's dragons that's got all the plunder and all I want is a bit of it, say a mule's worth. I've got me lance and sword to stick him, or her, with to make my point. I hope it isn't a her with little dragonlets crawling about. I'm not adverse to sticking them too, but think of the fables that will follow about Sir Gladhand killing baby dragons. I'd be a disgrace to my family, I would. So I'm off to find a dragon and steal a bit of plunder. Oh, and I already do have me own mule to tote the plunder, whatever it is."


"Have you seen any plunder before, so you'll know when you find it?"


"Well, no, not actually, but if it's in a dragon's lair then it's bound to be plunder, don't you think?"


Or, something like that.


Have to keep thinking lighthearted and humorous. A bit of fun, sex, blood, and gore, all the really nice things you'd expect in a fairy tale.


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