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Midnight Musing


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I'm just sitting here right now in my bed, unable to sleep, just watching the snow come down. After a failed attempt at rest, I just finally got out my laptop and decided to take it as an opportunity to write some more. Here we're getting insane amounts of snow and the only light is coming from the soft glow it relfects into my bedroom, it's beautiful.


I guess I just felt like sharing

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Nights like that are perfect... "a perfect night for mystery and intrigue.. the air itself is filled with monsters..."


Of course, perception is everything. Tonight, we're getting bombarded by the fragile white flakes, making driving treacherous.. Snow can be a thing of beauty and childhood innocence or a white blanket of a prison, trapping us in a world of our own makings...

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Nights like that are perfect... "a perfect night for mystery and intrigue.. the air itself is filled with monsters..."


  Of course, perception is everything. Tonight, we're getting bombarded by the fragile white flakes, making driving treacherous.. Snow can be a thing of beauty and childhood innocence or a white blanket of a prison, trapping us in a world of our own makings...


Thats beautiful. Put lots of young boys in your stories and I am sure I'll like

to read it. Note that I will like it with or without sex. The best stories on this

site turn out to be those with almost no sex in it anyway: its not the sex scenes

that carry the story - although sometimes it can be that looking forward to a

sex scene can make it better - but more as a teaser. Will they get eachother?

Slow, real slow... thats how I like it ;)




PS My first chapter is now 18828 words and there is no sex anywhere

insight heheh. That is... you KNOW it going to come - but not this chapter.

Yet, that is precisely what makes the story more interesting for our target

audience I think.

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What is this 'snow' you speak of?


Ive heard the rumors of its effect on schools.. but snow days? must be nice. It must be like when we would get sent home for a half day cause it was too hot? :wacko:

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  • Site Administrator

I've gotten stuck in the driveway the last 2 days trying to get out to go to work. The irony is that we snowblow the driveway everyday. The snowbanks are now so high that the snowblower is having trouble blowing the snow over the top of them.


All the same, I'd much rather have snow then heat. If I had a snowmobile, you'd never see me online at all ;)


(I should go spend time with grandpa... he has a bunch)

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  • Site Administrator

Dom's the deciding factor in that one. It only takes me about 5 minutes to post it from the time I get my email. Of course, I'm at work all day, so that kind of prevents me from doing it then.

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