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Crackerwriter and leaving Gay Authors


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  • Site Administrator

Attention all members:

As some of you may have guessed, Crackerwriter decided to leave us here. I have complied with his request and removed his site from Gay Authors. I don't have the time now, but all of his posts will be removed soon as well. Also, the stories he wrote for the Anthology will be removed.


Please bear in mind that I'm complying with his request. If you have a problem with that, I'm sure you'll find a way to contact him. Please do not complain on the site. It was his decision, not ours.


If anyone else would like to leave, that is your perogative. I'd appreciate it if you would do so quietly and send me a PM telling me such. Throwing a temper tantrum on the board will result in burned bridges. Also, a reason your leaving and a suggestion on how to improve the site, would also be helpful.


Thank you.


Site Admin

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