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Azure Dragon

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I think I'm the dopeman of Warcraft. I've gotten 3 friends, 2 boyfriends, and 2 one-night-stands hooked on the game lol. But anyway, I've got a Troll Shaman, Juarez, on the Quel'dorei server. I've tried every class in the game but I like Shamans the best because they can do almost everything: dps melee, damage spells, healing (my spec)...not tanking but that's not my style anyway. They might not be as good at any one thing as a focused class, but through talents they can come pretty close while still able to do the other 2. The biggest thing they lack as casters is an area of effect spell, but I have access to bombs as an engineer. Here's my armory link. Show me what'chu got.


PS: If you play a different MMO, that's fine too. Let us know what your drug of choice is.

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Meh, I never got into WoW simply because of that ridiculous continuous usage fee. At this moment I'm playing Frozen Throne because I've had a craving for it since yesterday (playing through the campaign). I also play The Sims 2: Seasons on PC and I've been playing Mass Effect for 360 a little more recently (Shepard and Kaiden Alenko are both hot characters!). I played Need For Speed: Pro Street a lot, but it got repetitive.

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I havent played for a whole year and some months now, for two reasons:


1)No money to pay for Game Card or Monthly fees.


2) The laptop that i have now has a sucky graphics card.




PS. I was a Night Elf Druid with Balance Spec. (Down with Regen speced Druids)


PPS. The NPC Kaiden Alenko is hot, wish they added a option that allowed "us" to get it on with him.

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LOL Warcrack!!! My friends also play wow they all have lvl 70's and i just started to play around November i have a lvl 70 Frost Mage named Emaleth on Bladefist she is 1 cold hearted Bitch :) I started a Resto Druid just for fun, i have a Blood Elf Warlock lol So many chars its like "Ok which 1 do i wanna play Today"



It is such an addicting game and i always say "oh after my timecard stops i'll quit playing" LOL i still have 2 weeks left on this 1 so yeah.


The Sims 2 yep thats another 1 i played and played for months i had 1 family all the way to like the 6th generation that family got so huge that i had to start killing off some lol. The sims i found so addicting it was like "This is so and so this is their house this is their family" and it was this big long soap opera!!! Id even cause more drama in the game like Dina married Morty Goth but the baby was Don Lothario's LOL.

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PPS. The NPC Kaiden Alenko is hot, wish they added a option that allowed "us" to get it on with him.

Good, then I'm not the only one who's tried hahaha. Come on, this is centuries in the future, homosexuality has got to be mainstream by then! I'm so bad lmao.


The Sims 2 yep thats another 1 i played and played for months i had 1 family all the way to like the 6th generation that family got so huge that i had to start killing off some lol. The sims i found so addicting it was like "This is so and so this is their house this is their family" and it was this big long soap opera!!! Id even cause more drama in the game like Dina married Morty Goth but the baby was Don Lothario's LOL.

Nice. I once made up a couple where their maid was female and the gardener was male, and I had the guy doing the maid and the girl doing the gardener. Once the guy and girl had a few kids I had the guy doing the gardener, naturally, haha. I think every guy in each of my neighborhoods has "Woohooed" at least one other guy in their lifetime.

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....no, I don't have a level 70 shadow priest, level 65 demon lock, 41 affliction lock, and 36 fury warrior....


SHUT UP! I've been playing a really long time now and it's not like I even play that much anyway! :P All my toons that I actually play are either on Kael'Thas or Malfurion. ~sigh~ Yeah I'm addicted, but every now and then I just get a craving for something completely mindless, fun, and full of things for me to kill. It's good stress relief. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I had a go at the free trial for WoW but couldn't really get into it... the entire thing just seemed to shallow for me, somehow. Just didn't seem to hook me. Anyway, it doesn't matter much at the moment... I can't play mumorpergers cos my internet access is 5 minutes walk away from my flat...



Still, games that hook me would be Dwarf Fortress (yes, it looks like the matrix, but it IS fun) and I'm also currently attempting to penetrate X3. Its almost impossible to get into but I think I'm getting somewhere...at last. Shame really... I have a few days to play it and then I have 2 weeks away from my computer at home followed by a aolid month of compulsory camping :P

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I used to play Runescape... My friend started playing it before me, well in fact the whole school started playing it before me, but I never use to take it seriously like they did, I would just run around saying stupid things to people and then end up getting killed because of my low level :lol: But then I got addicted to it in the end too, would play it for hours, meet my friends on there and we'd go and do quests and everything. But my level was still way behind them so I still just ended up dying...


That was a long time ago though, I rediscovered the outside world since then, and GA of course :D

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I would say that GA is rapidly becoming the equivalent for me... but..well... It causes some awkward problems for what to call it.


I mean, if "Warcraft" becomes "Warcrack", what options does that leave for GA?


"G-crack"...? sounds a bit didgy, although not as didgy as the alternatice






I'll stop this post here :P


Martin 0:)


(pay attention the the angel thing, and this post ceases to count for anything)

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