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2009 GA GetTogether


2009 Potential Attendees  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you go no matter when or where?

    • Yes - I'd certainly try
    • No - only if convienent
  2. 2. Choose ALL of the options that you feel you might be able to attend:

    • New York City, Jan 23-25
    • Philadelphia, Jan 23-25
    • Washington DC, Jan 23-25
    • Anaheim (Disneyland), July 3-5
    • New York City, Sept 4-6
    • Philadelphia, Sept 4-6
    • Orlando, Sept 4-6
    • Chicago, Sept 4-6
    • New York City, Dec 4-6
    • Philadelphia, Dec 4-6
    • Orlando, Dec 4-6
    • Chicago, Dec 4-6
  3. 3. If Trebs and Dkstories CAN'T make it, can you help organize (depending on location):

    • Yes - I'm game
    • No - sorry, I can't

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:( .......No happy medium here!!!!!!!!!!!

Every medium I've ever met has been a dour old puss.


I wish someone would comment on my suggestion of NYC in the summer. I am quite serious about the offer I made!

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Every medium I've ever met has been a dour old puss.


I wish someone would comment on my suggestion of NYC in the summer. I am quite serious about the offer I made!



:( ...........'shrug' I guess it would depend on what month, maybe instead of presented set-in-stone dates, the poll should have offered the calendar year and see who could make what? Too many College kids (I'm allowed to say that) are not going to be able to handle the dates. The poll is too diverse.

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:( ...........'shrug' I guess it would depend on what month, maybe instead of presented set-in-stone dates, the poll should have offered the calendar year and see who could make what? Too many College kids (I'm allowed to say that) are not going to be able to handle the dates. The poll is too diverse.

1. You and I are both old enough to refer to these youngsters as kids. :)

2. I think the problem with a date-based poll is we only get ten answers to a poll.


Gary, you're always serious about the offers you made... ;)

Thank you John.

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Lack of drinking is one more thing we have in common. Maybe this could work. ;)



Between the two of us I'm sure we could do a great job of keeping everyone happy in NYC. I could handle groups who want to see museums and other boring crap. You could take everyone else to fun places. We could rendezvous for lunch, happy hour, then take a brief nap before heading out to see a show and then dinner afterwards. Then we'll head off to a gay bar or club where Jan and I will have fun watching the rest of you lot get pissed and make fools of yourselves. :P


Why is it always about drinking?! :P


Sadly I don't drink :( ....shhh, don't tell Dan though :lol:


...Watching is always fun though :D

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Spring break wouldn't work for every college student. IIRC my Spring Break is the same at Johns, or at least near the same, but for a lot of colleges it's the week before or the week after mine.

Ditto. I may have a week off, but I will not use it for traveling because mid-semester just gets much busier. Canadian semesters only last three months each plus three-four weeks saved for the exams, so they're quite intense. Fall is from the beginning of September until the end of November, then exams until the third week of December. Then winter starts from the beginning of January until the end of March, then exams until the third week of April. So it's very intense and I will have very little vacation days from school (just three and half weeks of them in total for one year including spring break and Christmas break). Sumer is just awfully long...from the end of April until the end of August. So that's why I could make it during the summer since me and other college kids will be free. :P


Actually, we don't call it spring break because it's at the end of February...right in the middle of f**king winter!!! I was freezing my ass off in a snowstorm during my last "spring" break. :blink:


Completely off topic, but I just got back for there. :D

from* not for.


Why am I correcting my own editor? :P

Edited by Jack Frost
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Just wanted to clarify in case it was not... um... clear :P



NOTHING has been decided yet. To be honest, it is still VERY early. The purpose of the poll, and this thread is to raise and address concerns/issues/hopes/etc... I pointed out in an earlier post some of the rationale behind the dates/locations put up on this poll - and have read through and considered every post that has been made here. But in all actuality, it is still very early in the process - the previous GA GetTogether basically just finished.


So please - continue to lobby for your choices and/or point out additional choices. It may well be that we have a 2nd follow-up thread before we actually come to any decision.


But I didn't want anyone to be discouraged thinking that the die had already been cast...

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How about a 'no get-together' option? The original get-together started as an informal affair. We were getting together with LittleBuddha and invited others to show up as well. Dallas was another similar get-together. Let's just take our own vacations from now on and if anyone wants to invite other GA folks to some place, they can do it on their own.

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Everyone can always get together outside of the 'official' GA Convention. If you guys want to plan some bigger get togethers with people, that's more than welcome! Set a date and time and start a thread. There is only one (possibly two in the future) official GA conventions per year though where we try and get everyone involved.


If you can't come to the official one, you can always pick a date and place where you and a few others can make it, and then start a topic letting others know when and where and ask if they would like to join. The moderation team would be glad to help with pinning any topics for related activities, but the Official GA Convention is going to be set for one date and place with as much notice as possible to let people try and come.


Like Trebs said though, since we just started discussing this, the dates and places are still wildly up in the air. If we find that people like a specific place more than the others, we'll try and hold another poll to see when the best time for people to come would be. We've got half a year to figure it out, so don't think this poll is the end :)

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