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A stranger came to town...

Chuck Straight

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One day a traveler came to a strange new town,


In the hope of sharing the tales of his journey,


And rest with the comfort of tales he might hear.


But at the threshold of the strange new place,


The traveler met a gatekeeper.


A man of high position by his many braids of gold laid upon him.


The traveler was hoping for guidance and friendship in this new place,


But alas, the gatekeeper not caring about the tale to be told,


But instead with the rules to be kept, said,




"Spamming for an off-site blog?"




The traveler was exhausted and dismayed by the gatekeeper.


For he asked not to hear the tale,


But instead was more angered by the traveler's intrusion,


And he remained steadfast in his resolve to enforce the rules.


Surely this man of the town was well accustomed

to meeting many strangers with stories to be told.


Nay, that needed to be told.


Soon another man with many braids of gold upon him came quickly.


Looked down upon the lowly, ignorant traveler, and said,




"Where are the moderators when you need them?"




The traveler was tired and looking for comfort, for he did have a story to tell.


And was saddened once again that these great men, with the braids of gold upon them,


Had no interest in hearing the tale, but to only respect and enforce the rules of their land.


The tale not as important than the rules, to respect and enforce.


The rules more important than the story to be told.


The traveler was confused by these two stately men at the gate.


Sure they were wise and knew the traveler was only seeking comfort and a place to tell his tale.


But they only looked down upon the traveler,


And did not inquire about the tale,


Nor offer him comfort.




Another gentleman, yea, a constable of the city appeared.


Surely with his standing and many gold braids,


Would offer comfort to the traveler.


But the constable was moved only but slightly, and said,


With a heavenward lilt at the end of his say,




"I thought it might be spam at first, but it seems harmless.


It's not advertising or another and doesn't seem disruptive."




The traveler was saddened and disheartened,


For he thought that this place,


Of all places,


Was a place where stories were meant to be told.




And shared.


Edited by Chuck Straight
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A most interesting take of your short experience on GA, Chuck. I only hope all GA members will seek out and read your blog. Then you will be a stranger no more.


I presume it is this one ...? I put your 'name' and blog into google and this was at the top of the list. you are a good writer. i wish I could Get writing at all, let alone poetry. unfortunately I'm awful :)



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so, are you sticking around this time or not?

cause I'm a little confuzzled...

then again, that's not all that unusual.

situation normal it seems...

carry on!

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I presume it is this one ...? I put your 'name' and blog into google and this was at the top of the list. you are a good writer. i wish I could Get writing at all, let alone poetry. unfortunately I'm awful :)




Yes. That's it.

Thanks for your support and encouragement.

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Yes. That's it.

Thanks for your support and encouragement.


T'is nothing :), but true.


I've read a bit of your stuff on your blog as well and you really are gifted at telling stories, or your story?, I haven't digged too deep yet.


but I meant it when I said I wish I could express myself like that. it's one of the things I have a problem with the most, at least written communiation. I've been told by my friends they would never believe me if I said I couldn't get across my point of view, and at length, with lots of opinions :D. but still, you like lots of others on here and a few other places have a gift. and it must be good to express creatively :).

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so, are you sticking around this time or not?

cause I'm a little confuzzled...

then again, that's not all that unusual.

situation normal it seems...

carry on!



I think I'm here


for good.

Edited by Chuck Straight
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So as not to anger any closet conservatives

("the rules and the rules" on a gay, artistic site),

I'm going to attempt to figure out how to build one here,

but still maintain the evil, off-site one too.

My blog is emotionally draining, and since it's an account

of my life, it's already difficult to write at times.

I've thought about discontinuing completely and

just journal to myself instead. But it is strangely

cathartic, so I guess I'll keep going for a while.

I hate working through all of the technical stuff of a new

blogging site though.

Thanks for your support you guys!

Edited by Chuck Straight
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So as not to anger any closet conservatives

("the rules and the rules" on a gay, artistic site),

I'm going to attempt to figure out how to build one here,

but still maintain the evil, off-site one too.

I think I said before I know of no rule that would prohibit you from blogging here while maintaining a blog elsewhere. You probably will find a larger audience interested in your story here than any other site. If you haven't already, you may wish to check with one of the administrators first to ensure there is no problem. If there is a prohibition, you might want to consider blogging at GA exclusively. Don't let the initial reaction of a few dissuade you.


Your blog is very well written, reading much like some of the very good literature found at Gay Authors.

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I think I said before I know of no rule that would prohibit you from blogging here while maintaining a blog elsewhere. You probably will find a larger audience interested in your story here than any other site. If you haven't already, you may wish to check with one of the administrators first to ensure there is no problem. If there is a prohibition, you might want to consider blogging at GA exclusively. Don't let the initial reaction of a few dissuade you.


Your blog is very well written, reading much like some of the very good literature found at Gay Authors.


Thank you so much MikeL.

I will do some checking.

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the knee jerk reaction is more or less because there have been some people who have come here in the past and posted a link and that is it... usually all over the place...


it would have been a whole lot better had you posted a bit of text with the link introducing yourself, and explaining the link, but we all live and learn.


my site is completely off site it is not "illegal" people go there if they want, it is listed under this post as a link.


occasionally I post things on this site, using their software.


it is not required, but encouraged.


there are other authors on this site who post primarly elsewhere, some are moderators.


be yourself.


just let us know who you are when you are being yourself, please, it keeps misunderstandings from happening.


thank you


{this public service announcement is from the desk of the Lughbie}

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the knee jerk reaction is more or less because there have been some people who have come here in the past and posted a link and that is it... usually all over the place...


it would have been a whole lot better had you posted a bit of text with the link introducing yourself, and explaining the link, but we all live and learn.


my site is completely off site it is not "illegal" people go there if they want, it is listed under this post as a link.


occasionally I post things on this site, using their software.


it is not required, but encouraged.


there are other authors on this site who post primarly elsewhere, some are moderators.


be yourself.


just let us know who you are when you are being yourself, please, it keeps misunderstandings from happening.


thank you


{this public service announcement is from the desk of the Lughbie}



Thank you very much once again.

Your advice and suggestions are very helpful,

and welcome.

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So as not to anger any closet conservatives

("the rules and the rules" on a gay, artistic site),

I'm going to attempt to figure out how to build one here,

but still maintain the evil, off-site one too.

My blog is emotionally draining, and since it's an account

of my life, it's already difficult. I've thought about discontinuing

completely and just journal to myself instead. But it is strangely

cathartic, so I guess I'll keep going for a while.

I hate working through all of the technical stuff of a new

blogging site though.

Thanks for your support you guys!


why don't you put your blog as an efiction story, that way it's read in the right order rather than backwards (for those who are useless like me and start reading it the wrong way). I don't know about the statistics on this site, but it also may get more readers ..? Other autobiographical stories are in there. Then you could have a blog here too if you wanted for other stuff, or just link to your blog on your own 'profile page'.


I know what you mean about saying something in public making you feel better, or at least something. It's the sharing thing I think, the venting. I've used the internet for those purposes too about events in my own life.


I don't post stuff on here so I'm not entirely sure of the procedure, but this is a link to the registration page for efiction (which is different to this forum bit):



After reading some of you life-story, I've decided that I am going to get my mum to record her life-story on a dictaphone. She is going through a period of healing and coming to terms with her past and present through various group therapy, but I know she did want to publish some of her thoughts, ideas and stuff from her medical career at least, as one of her hangups was that the progress she'd fought for she hadn't been accredited for. But I think that I'll try to encourage her, and then if she would like me to, I'll type it up eventually. Then once it's done it's done. and written down. whereas at the moment she may discuss it and make progress, but it still seems to haunt her and resurface as she kind of forgets she's already dealt with it. whereas here, it would already be written down. anyway, sorry for the tangent, just wanted to write it down before I forget that I've made this promise to ask.


hope that link helps,


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why don't you put your blog as an efiction story, that way it's read in the right order rather than backwards (for those who are useless like me and start reading it the wrong way). I don't know about the statistics on this site, but it also may get more readers ..? Other autobiographical stories are in there. Then you could have a blog here too if you wanted for other stuff, or just link to your blog on your own 'profile page'.


I know what you mean about saying something in public making you feel better, or at least something. It's the sharing thing I think, the venting. I've used the internet for those purposes too about events in my own life.


I don't post stuff on here so I'm not entirely sure of the procedure, but this is a link to the registration page for efiction (which is different to this forum bit):



After reading some of you life-story, I've decided that I am going to get my mum to record her life-story on a dictaphone. She is going through a period of healing and coming to terms with her past and present through various group therapy, but I know she did want to publish some of her thoughts, ideas and stuff from her medical career at least, as one of her hangups was that the progress she'd fought for she hadn't been accredited for. But I think that I'll try to encourage her, and then if she would like me to, I'll type it up eventually. Then once it's done it's done. and written down. whereas at the moment she may discuss it and make progress, but it still seems to haunt her and resurface as she kind of forgets she's already dealt with it. whereas here, it would already be written down. anyway, sorry for the tangent, just wanted to write it down before I forget that I've made this promise to ask.


hope that link helps,



Excellent Celia.

I will do that.

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I think one of the reasons I didn't put a description to my blog was because I didn't really know what to say.

It's an emotional story for me, and hard to write sometimes. I've written chapters and deleted them,

just because I didn't think I was ready to talk about it yet.

I'm not making up an excuse here, but whatever I seemed to write as a description seemed lame.

I'm the same way when choosing glasses for myself. I always have to have someone come with me.


Without a lot of thought, I just left it blank and just stuck the link in there.

If someone happened onto it, that was fine. I'm not very good a promoting myself.

Maybe the surprise (or horror) of reading my story without introduction, would evoke more sensitivity.


A thought: I would like to go to the movies one night expecting to see the newest Hollywood blockbuster,

sit with my $30 worth popcorn and water, have the lights go out...

and have the movie replaced with a low budget, independent film.

Maybe I wouldn't be happy at first, and if I didn't walk out,

maybe I would actually get my money's worth for a change.


Maybe there should be a Mystery Theater.

You would go in and sit down, without a clue about what you were about to see.

You wouldn't know if you were going to see a comedy, drama, biography, horror, romance... not a clue.

No suggestion at all of what you were about to see... until you sat through it.

No prejudgments. No anticipation.

I think I'd like that.


Truly though, I didn't write an intro to the blog

because I really didn't know what to say, or how to say it.


Everyone now has been so supportive.

You've given me lots of ideas of how to proceed,

and I really, really appreciate it.

I think I'll need some technical help though.

Hope some of you can help.

Edited by Chuck Straight
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heh he's muzzled and under threat of being neutered...


other than that please don't feed the beast and um...

stay back 50 feet...


yeah... that's it.

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  • Site Administrator

I have found everyone here to be super supportive and friendly. Don't let knee jerk reaction prevent you from sticking around. Your work is interesting. Keep expressing yourself. anordwell

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